Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Our Lady Has Been Warning Us This Whole Time


In 1917, the Queen of Heaven came to earth to warn her children about communism and its awesome destructive power.

It is, in no uncertain words, the Death Star of the demonic, with its treacherous anti-human, anti-God ideology that has plagued humanity for over a century. And here, in the United States, it has taken over not just multiple institutions but also a political party, the Democrats.

There is a link, a connection, between America as we traditionally understand the concept and its being fought violently against by the Democrats. Communism ultimately rails against humanity and God’s creation — even God Himself.

That is how, in one glance, you know its origin is the pits of Hell. The Dems have adopted the Communist Manifesto as their party platform. Period.

They detest and devalue human life at every turn, beginning with the weakest — the elderly, the preborn. Then they implement their race-baiting policies, keeping down African Americans and wiping out the family in that community, making a large portion of them completely dependent on the State.

Democratic Party policies are communist. Period. No matter what they call themselves — globalists, environmentalists, social justice warriors, socialists — they are all the same. They detest religion. They hate American exceptionalism because that exceptionalism is based on Catholic principles of the dignity of every human being created in the image of God.

They hate God, just as Satan does, and they hate humanity, just as Satan does. (Humanity is why Lucifer was cast out of the angelic realm, after all.)

That’s why so many of their policies are aimed at depopulation, no matter how they get at it — “health crisis,” controlling the weather, abortion, contraception. They employ them all. Communism is a sinister force that seeks to undermine and destroy the very fabric of Western civilization, our freedom and our Faith. 

The Dems have adopted the Communist Manifesto as their party platform.

It’s a godless ideology that reduces human beings to mere cogs in a soulless machine, again, stripping away the dignity that comes from being made in the image and likeness of God. The horrors of communism are too numerous to count. The mass executions, the suppression of religion, the forced atheism, the re-education camps — all hallmarks of an ideology that places the State above God and crushes the individual under the heel of an all-powerful government.
No wonder the Queen of the Universe was dispatched by Heaven at the very moment communism was being born to warn us and set forth a battle plan against it. In the face of this menace, we have a powerful weapon: the Rosary. 

Our Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, has appeared throughout history to remind us of the importance of prayer, penance and devotion to Her Immaculate Heart, and now, more so than ever. The Rosary is a spiritual weapon that pierces through the darkness of communism and brings about true conversion and healing. 

When we pray the Rosary, we meditate on the life, death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s a powerful way to combat the lies and deception spread by the proponents of communism, whose main work is to convince people that Our Lord is a nonentity.
Our Lady of Fatima, in her appearances a century ago, warned us about the spread of communism and the devastating consequences it would bring. She asked for the Rosary to be prayed, and she backed up her requests and warnings with perhaps the greatest miracle beneath the Resurrection, the Miracle of the Sun.

A miracle of that magnitude underscores the importance of the vision and the message. Let’s heed the call of Our Lady. Let us take up the Rosary and pray fervently for the crushing defeat of communism and the triumph of Christ’s Kingdom. 

All this week, which concludes on Friday the 8th, the birthday of Our Blessed Mother, we are offering a Rosary bundle in our Church Militant store. The bundle includes the Rosary on CD, together with the first edition of The Weapon, while stocks last. 

It’s a $35 value for only $25! Get all four sets of Mysteries of the Rosary, available to play in your car or at home so you can pray along with the meditations. And, of course, the first edition of The Weapon casts the Rosary as precisely what it is — a weapon.

While meditating on the mysteries might occasionally produce a warm and fuzzy, that’s just a happy side effect here and there.

Our Lady of Fatima warned us about the spread of communism.

The Rosary was given to us by Heaven not so much for feeling good and having a little spiritual high, but to fight, to become spiritually disciplined and increase in that discipline and grow in spiritual strength. We get into the “war” aspects of the Rosary in the book.

So here is an opportunity to delve deeply into the Rosary’s mysteries, understanding the story of the life of Jesus and Mary beyond the superficial and coming to appreciate this simple, yet profound prayer, all the more.

Just click on the provided link to take a look and place your order, again, while supplies last. It’s not just about the natural order fight, which, again, must be engaged in, but also the supernatural preparation and discipline.

Remember, the battle against communism is not just a political one (which it is, of course, demanding great action from us in that arena) but ultimately a spiritual one as well. 

Let us arm ourselves with the Rosary and the devotion to Our Lady, for she is the Queen of Heaven and earth, and, through her, we can conquer every evil that stands in our way.