Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration initiative in Dublin

Over forty people are committing to spend at least an hour weekly in front of the Blessed Sacrament with the aim of establishing 24/7 adoration.

A Legion of Mary praesidium joined Radio Maria with the purpose of promoting adoration and helping to establish the Blessed Sacrament being exposed 24/7 -perpetual adoration. This would make Radio Maria the only place in Dublin where people can have adoration at any time day or night. It is situated near the Red Cow Hotel, beside the M50, so people come from all parts of the city and beyond.

Organised by a group of lay Catholics with the support of the priest director of Radio Maria Fr Eamonn McCarthy, adoration started in the station’s building aiming for forty days and forty nights in 2020. Then, Covid struck, forcing the adoration to cease. There was a break and then after a few months a second ‘adoration’ project was launched. Adoration continued until recently, following the forty days, but the exposition was not permanent.

“At present, we have three nights per week covered with adoration, most days during the day Monday to Saturday. Our biggest challenge is getting adorers who can commit to coming for an hour or more once a week”, said Marie, a member of the praesidium organising the perpetual adoration. “We have about 40 adorers on our books committed and some people just pop in when they can.”

Marie believes that “having the chance to visit the Blessed Sacrament exposed at any time during the day is important since Jesus can give us so much love, peace, and healing through His presence.”

If churches wish to establish adoration locally there is a group called the ‘Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration’ who have a website,, with details of how to set it up available.

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