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Poland Sustains Full Court Press at Border

WARSAW, Poland (ChurchMilitant.com) – Europeans are now assisting the migrant invasion of Poland at the eastern border with Belarus, strengthening a multi-faceted and intensifying attack on the Central European country.

Minister of the Interior, Mariusz Kamiński

Two Swedes and a German were arrested Monday for aiding illegal migrants, according to the Polish Border Guard. The following day a Russian, a Lithuanian and another Swede were also detained. Others arrested for assisting illegal immigration included two Ukrainians, one Uzbek and one Syrian.

“We will not allow Poland to become a route for smugglers, for organized crime groups, for enemies of our country, for illegal migration,” declared Minister of the Interior Mariusz Kamiński after Monday’s day of violence at the border.

Attacks Morphing, Multiplying

Poland’s defense minister, Mariusz Błaszczak, said in an interview with Polish Radio’s IAR news agency he is anticipating change-ups in migrants’ attack strategy.

Poland’s defense minister Mariusz Błaszczak

“Two days ago, we saw a single, large group of migrants … trying to force its way through the border en masse, whereas now they are attacking the frontier simultaneously in various smaller, but still sizable groupings,” Błaszczak noted.

There are also reports of a strategy to storm the border on Thursday, Nov. 11 — Poland’s Independence Day. 

According to fact.pl, anti-Polish forces are counting on the weakening of law enforcement near the eastern frontier on Nov. 11, as Polish police may be largely protecting state ceremonies in Warsaw and elsewhere.

Unlike Monday’s assault in Kuźnica, the Thursday assault is expected at Bobrowniki, at the Bierestowica border crossing, a site deemed favorable by migrants in the past. 

Migrants and their handlers are also counting on confusion at the border to invade Poland by hiding in and under trucks, according to fact.pl.

Giving weight to a Nov. 11 attack are videos of dozens of large charters arriving in Belarus on Wednesday as well as migrants flying out of Syria bound for Belarus this week. 

Propaganda Harnesses Women, Children 

Anti-Polish forces are also waging a sophisticated disinformation campaign.

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News Report: Weaponizing Migrants

Stanisław Żaryn, head of the National Security Department in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland, explained how Belarusian information services play with emotions.

“Propaganda plays a huge role in Belarus’ actions against Poland, which is to force [Poland] to submit to Belarus’ intentions and to put pressure on the government to agree to the migration route. Children and women are mainly used in these psychological activities against Poles,” Żaryn said.

Propaganda plays a huge role.

Providing video clips as evidence on social media, he continued, “Migrants are instructed on how to use children to try to cross the border. ‘Take the kids, hug them, look dirty and tired.'”

Migrants are instructed on how to use children to try to cross the border. “Take the kids, hug them, look dirty and tired.” 2/3 pic.twitter.com/7DfE0r8DBn

— Stanisław Żaryn (@StZaryn) November 9, 2021

Żaryn concluded: “[W]e are dealing with an attempt to stimulate in the Polish society aggressive behavior towards Border Guard officers — indirectly an attempt to lower the morale and intimidate the officers.”

‘People Are Dying’

Social media users are publishing videos documenting the efforts of truck-driving German activists supporting migrants at the expense of Poland’s security and sovereignty. “People are dying,” the activists cry in English as they interact with Polish border guards and try to make their way to the camps.

Sytuacja na granicy polsko-białoruskiej. Mamy do czynienia ze zorganizowanym niszczeniem umocnień granicznych. Dochodzi również do bezpośrednich ataków na polskich funkcjonariuszy Straży Granicznej, Policji oraz żołnierzy.

wideo cz.1 pic.twitter.com/ueSs212tmp

— Piotr Müller (@PiotrMuller) November 8, 2021

Quisling Poles serving in the European Parliament are succumbing to the propaganda Żaryn warns about. 

Łukasz Marcin Kohut of Poland’s Spring Party revealed his view of Poland’s border crisis: 

The current pictures that we see are terrifying: refugees between the rifles pointed at them from two sides are trying to cross the border — the Polish border — and the external border of the EU. Therefore, this is the moment to finally create a common European migration policy — effective migration policy because the tightness of borders is important but also humanitarian.

Meanwhile, the European Union is taking a hands-off approach to its fellow member’s attack, watching Belarus attack Poland — some say with Russia behind it.

— Campaign 31877 —


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