Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pontiff receives Cinema for Peace Award (Cinema for Peace Foundation)

The Berlin-based Cinema for Peace Foundation has presented Pope Francis, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and film director Evgeny Afineevsky with an honorary Cinema for Peace Award.

Jaka Bizilj, the foundation’s founder and chairman, presented the award to Pope Francis in Casa Santa Marta.

“There has not been a single day, since the full-scale war started last year, in which Pope Francis has not helped victims of the invasion of Ukraine,” said Bizilj. “From going to Russian Embassy by himself on the first day of the full-scale invasion to ask the Ambassador of Russia to help reach Putin and stop this bloodshed, to asking the Russian government to open humanitarian corridors for civilians to be evacuated from the war zones, and sending pediatric ambulances to Ukraine.”

Bizilj added, “Acting as a true diplomat of God, His Holiness was, in silence, behind the wild curtain of the war, knocking on the doors of all diplomatic possibilities and helping organize humanitarian corridors from many different places including the city of Mariupol and for the people who had been trapped under the bombs in the catacombs of the Azov steel plant.”