Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope, at general audience, recalls St. Francis of Assisi’s crèche, ‘school of simplicity and joy’ (Vatican News)

At his December 20 general audience, held in Paul VI Audience Hall, Pope Francis recalled the 800th anniversary of St. Francis of Assisi’s Nativity scene.

“Eight hundred years ago this Christmas, in Greccio, St. Francis of Assisi recreated the scene of our Lord’s birth,” the Pontiff said, in the words of the Vatican’s summary of his remarks. “The lovely tradition of setting up a Christmas crib in our families and communities reminds us of the true meaning of Christ’s Nativity: the closeness of our God, who came among us in poverty to enrich us with the gift of his saving love.”

“May our contemplation of the Crib inspire us to celebrate these holy days in simplicity, spiritual joy and gratitude for the gift of Christ’s presence among us, the source of our hope, the light of our lives and the promise of peace for our troubled world,” the summary continued.