Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope congratulates Australian LGBTQ+ Catholic group (Out in Perth)

“In late June 2023, Acceptance Perth and Sydney (and Canberra) were honoured to be able to reveal a handwritten note from Pope Francis through Sr Jeannine Gramick SL congratulating LGBTIQA+ Catholics on 50 years of gatherings through Acceptance,” according to a recent statement from Acceptance Perth LGBTQ+ Catholics, which did not publish the text of the note.

“In a recent message to Acceptance, Sr Jeannine [Gramick] said Pope Francis told her to pass on his ‘happy greetings at this time of your anniversary’ and to advise that he was praying that Acceptance members would every year ‘grow closer in love with our Lord Jesus Christ,’” the statement continued.

In a December 2021 letter, Pope Francis praised Sister Gramick’s 50 years of ministry. Gramick, the co-founder of New Ways Ministry, the subject of a 1999 notification by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and a 2010 statement by the president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.