Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope encourages Spiritans in their mission (Vatican Press Office)

On May 8, Pope Francis received members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit, also known as the Spiritans or Holy Ghost Fathers. The Pontiff noted that 2023 marks the 175th anniversary of the institute’s refounding by Venerable Francis Libermann.

“Thanks to your willingness to change and your perseverance, you have remained faithful to the spirit of the origins: evangelizing the poor, accepting the missions where no one wants to go, favoring service to the most abandoned, respecting peoples and cultures, forming local clergy and laypeople for an integral human development, all in fraternity and simplicity of life and in assiduity of prayer,” Pope Francis said. “Please, this last thing is important: pray, do not forget prayer.”

Referring to the Holy Spirit, Pope Francis added, “Let him enlighten you, orient you, drive you where he wishes, without imposing conditions, without excluding anyone, because it is he who knows what is needed in every age and in every moment.”