Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope prays for all mothers ahead of Nativity of Virgin Mary (Vatican News)

“Tomorrow we will celebrate the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary,” Pope Francis said on September 7, at the conclusion of his general audience. “Mary experienced God’s tenderness as a daughter, full of grace, and went on to give this tenderness as a mother, through union with the mission of her Son Jesus.”

“Therefore, today I wish to express my closeness to all mothers, in a special way to those mothers who have children who suffer: those who are sick, those who are marginalized, those who are imprisoned,” the Pope continued. “A special prayer goes to the mothers of young detainees: let hope never be lacking.”

“Unfortunately, in prisons there are many people who take their own life, at times also young people,” he added. “A mother’s love can save them from this danger. May Our Lady console all mothers distressed by the suffering of their children.”