Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope: Red Cross’s humanitarian work shows that fraternity is possible (Vatican News)

Pope Francis received 6,000 Italian Red Cross volunteers on April 6, in commemoration of the 160th anniversary of the organization’s founding, and expressed gratitude for their work.

“This current of love never stopped: today, as in the past, yours is an effective and precious presence, especially in all those contexts where the clamor of weapons stifles the cry of peoples, their yearning for peace and their desire for the future,” the Pope said. “Today is a special occasion to express gratitude to you for the service you provide in contexts of war, and for the help you offer every day to those who are in need in various situations of emergency.”

The Pope also reflected on the organization’s anniversary theme (Everywhere and for Everyone) and added, “In this Easter time, let us ask for the grace to be instruments of fraternity and peace, leaders in charity and builders of a fraternal and solidarity-based world.”