Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope reflects on Holy Spirit’s closeness, assistance (Vatican Press Office)

During his May 14 Regina Caeli address, Pope Francis reflected on John 14:15-21, the Gospel reading of the day.

“Brothers and sisters, let us ask ourselves today: Do we call on the Holy Spirit?” the Pope asked pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square. “Do we pray to him often? Let us not forget about the one who is close to us, or rather, is within us!”

The Pope added, “Then: Do we listen to his voice, both when he encourages us and when he corrects us? Do we respond with Jesus’s words to the accusations from the evil one, to the ‘tribunals’ of life? Do we remember that we are beloved children of God? May Mary make us docile to the voice of the Holy Spirit and sensitive to his presence.”