Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope sees ‘hypocrisy’ in opposition to Fiducia Supplicans (Reuters)

In a new interview, Pope Francis says that criticism of Fiducia Supplicans reflects hypocrisy.

In an interview with the Italian weekly Credere the Pope says:

Nobody is scandalized if I give the blessing to a businessman who perhaps exploits people: and this is a very serious sin. But they are scandalized if I give [a blessing] to a homosexual. This is hypocrisy.”

“Fiducia Supplicans is clear,” the Pope argues, saying that under the terms of the declaration “I don’t bless a ‘homosexual marriage,’ I bless two people who love each other.”

In the interview the Pontiff also said that his health troubles are not interfering with his work. “The Church is governed with the head, not with the legs,” he said.

The interview is scheduled for publication on Thursday, February 8; Credere made some excerpts available a day earlier.