Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope’s Christmas Message to the Curia

VATICAN CITY ( – As the faithful continue to reel from the Vatican’s recent document on blessings for same-sex couples, the pontiff began winding down the week on Thursday with a Christmas message to the Roman Curia. 

In his message, Francis emphasized the importance of listening, discernment and journeying as fundamental elements of faith and service. 

He drew parallels between these themes and figures from the Christmas story, citing Mary as a symbol of listening, John the Baptist as an embodiment of discernment and the Magi as representing the concept of journeying.

The Heart of Listening

Pope Francis highlighted the significance of deep, empathetic listening, which goes beyond merely hearing words. He referenced Our Lady, stressing the need for internal openness and the ability to sense others’ needs. 

This kind of listening, he argued, is the starting point of a spiritual journey that moves beyond stereotypes and preconceived notions. 

The pope advocated for contemplative listening, which involves quiet reflection and a genuine understanding of others’ perspectives.

The Heart of Discernment 

Using John the Baptist as an example, the pope discussed the importance of reflection and reevaluation in discernment. 

He pointed out the Baptist’s struggle to reconcile his expectations of the Messiah with the reality of Jesus, illustrating the need for flexibility and openness to new understandings in one’s spiritual journey. 

According to the pope, this discernment is essential for navigating the complexities of life and faith, moving away from rigid rule-following to a nuanced understanding of God’s will.

The Heart of Journeying

Francis then turned to the story of the Magi to depict the journey of faith as a continuous quest for truth and understanding. 

He encouraged the faithful to step out of their comfort zones, to be guided by God’s light, especially in times of uncertainty or bureaucratic inertia. This journey should be marked by continuous learning and liberation from fear and rigidity.

In his address, Francis thanked the members of the Roman Curia for their dedication and urged them to integrate these principles into their daily lives and work. 

He called for humility and a sense of wonder in their spiritual journey, maintaining a desire for God in their hearts.

Pope Francis wrapped up his Christmas thoughts with the following statement: “Sixty years after the Council, we are still debating the division between ‘progressives’ and ‘conservatives,’ but that is not the difference: the real, central difference is between lovers and those who have lost that initial passion. That is the difference. Only those who love can fare forward.”

— Campaign 31877 —