Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope’s Pediatric Hospital Hypes Jabs for Kids

ROME, Italy ( – The pope’s scandal-ridden pediatric hospital is vigorously promoting COVID-19 shots for kids — falsely claiming the vaccines are necessary, safe and effective, despite a red alert by over 16,000 scientists and doctors warning against the jabs. 

Paglia: jab-pushing head of the Pontifical Academy for Life

The Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital’s push for children ages 5–11 to get jabbed is being boosted by a specious claim by Pontifical Academy for Life president Abp. Vincenzo Paglia that vaccinating kids is essential to ending the China-virus crisis. 

The Holy See authorized the use of the injection for minors from the age of 5 after weighing “the high value of the benefits compared to the risks.”

“Your child cannot get COVID-19 by getting vaccinated,” the papal hospital explains.

In a set of 13 frequently asked questions, the hospital insists that “the safety and efficacy of the vaccine has been closely monitored, including studies in the 5–11 age group.” 

Bambino Gesù urges parents to get their kids jabbed because “children can be infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, they can get sick and they can spread the virus to others.” However, in rare cases, the virus can cause a particularly aggressive form of inflammatory disease — MIS-C.

Your child cannot get COVID-19 by getting vaccinated.

To the question, “Is it safe for my child to get the COVID-19 vaccine,” the pediatric hospital responds with an emphatic yes, minimizing side effects of local pain, general fever, malaise and fatigue, which the hospital asserts are “short-lived” and “go away within hours or days.”

The side effects “are normal signs that the body is building protection against the disease” and include redness and swelling in the arm where the injection was given, as well as tiredness, headache, body aches, chills, fever and nausea, Bambino Gesù claims.  

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA vaccine platform, warns against jabs for kids

The hospital also downplays protective immunity after recovery from COVID-19, asking parents to get children jabbed with a single dose within six months of SARS-CoV-2 confirmation and two doses “if more than 12 months have passed since the disease.”

Bambino Gesù’s FAQs do not cite a single peer-reviewed study supporting their claims and do not mention the risk of post-vaccination cardiac myocarditis or pericarditis (inflammatory conditions of the heart) in minors ages 12–17.

Ask yourself if you want your own child to be part of the most radical medical experiment in human history.

However, citing over 150 peer-reviewed studies from prestigious medical journals, top scientists — including Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA vaccine platform — are warning that the jabs could cause “irreparable damages” to children. 

“Ask yourself if you want your own child to be part of the most radical medical experiment in human history,” Malone pleads in a video that went viral and was potentially one of the reasons behind his Twitter cancellation. 

Pope Francis visiting at Bambino Gesù

“A viral gene will be injected into your children’s cells” forcing your “child’s body to make toxic spike proteins,” which “often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs,” including the brain, nervous system, heart, blood vessels and reproductive system, he warns.

“This vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to their immune system” and “can cause reproductive damage that could affect future generations of your family,” Malone observes, warning that medical treatment will not be able to “fix the lesions within their brain,” “repair heart tissue scarring” or “a genetically reset immune system” caused by the jab.

Over 16,000 medical scientists and physicians under the banner of the Unity Project have signed the Global COVID Summit Declaration-II, warning that “children risk severe, adverse events from receiving the vaccine.” 

While “negligible clinical risks” from the China virus exist for healthy children under 18, “permanent physical damage to the brain, heart, immune and reproductive system associated with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein–based genetic vaccines has been demonstrated in children,” the declaration states. 

Not even a handful of children should be endangered through mass vaccination against a disease not dangerous to them.

“Without high-powered, reproducible, long-term safety data, risks to the long-term health status of children remain too high to support use in healthy children,” the signatories note.

“Healthy, unvaccinated children are critical to achieving herd immunity,” the declaration stresses. “Natural immunity is proven to tolerate infection, benefiting community protection, while there is insufficient data to assess whether COVID vaccines assist herd immunity.”

Scandal-plagued Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital

In contrast to Bambino Gesù’s claim on reliable safety studies for kids, a study in Toxicology Reports concludes: “Clinical trials for these inoculations were very short term (a few months), had samples not representative of the total population, and for adolescents /children, had poor predictive power because of their small size.”

“Most importantly, the clinical trials did not address long-term effects that, if serious, would be borne by children/adolescents for potentially decades,” the paper emphasizes.

Cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter A. McCullough, a signatory to the Unity Project declaration, wonders what kind of a society forces children young as 5 to “effectively become human shields … just so adults with comorbidities can feel safer,” noting that “at no time in history have we put children in harm’s way to protect adults.” 

“We stand against illogical, nonsensical, unscientific, top-down, one-size-fits-all, carte blanche mandates for healthy children that directly contradict the current body of evidence and data,” remarks Dr. Paul Alexander, former World Health Organization consultant and senior advisor to the U.S. health department in 2020 for the COVID-19 response.

At no time in history have we put children in harm’s way to protect adults.

Challenging Abp. Paglia’s vaccine touting, Vaticanist Ed Pentin lists documented cases of 48 children and adolescents who died days after receiving the Pfizer vaccine, as published on the American Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System site (VAERS).

Earlier, 93 Israeli doctors signed a joint letter of protest calling on the Israeli health ministry to refrain from administering COVID-19 jabs to children. 

Israel’s doctors are warning parents not to get kids jabbed

“We believe that not even a handful of children should be endangered through mass vaccination against a disease not dangerous to them,” the medics wrote. “Furthermore, it cannot be ruled out that the vaccine will have long-term adverse effects that have not yet been discovered at this time, including on growth, reproductive system or fertility.”

Health regulators in Vietnam’s southeastern provinces stopped the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech jab after more than 120 children were hospitalized and 4 children died following a schoolwide vaccination. 

A study by the American Heart Association found that 98% of all cases of myocarditis among children are related to COVID-19 jabs. 

Speaking against the vaccination of minors on Italian television, endocrinologist Giovanni Frajese of the Foro Italico University of Rome said he would not have his 15-year-old daughter vaccinated: “In this case, I am a father, and a father must evaluate the risk and benefit, if he has the skills, as in this case, I have enough.”

This vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to their immune system.

In 2017, the Vatican City State tribunal charged Giuseppe Profiti, former president and treasurer of Bambino Gesù hospital’s trust, of embezzling 422,000 euros from the foundation to renovate former Vatican secretary of state Cdl. Tarcisio Bertone’s penthouse apartment.

In the same year, the Associated Press reported that sick children were suffering as the hospital was ignoring safety protocols and cutting corners in order to turn a profit.

Patients were sometimes prematurely brought out of anesthesia to maximize operating-room turnover. Overcrowding and poor hygiene also contributed to deadly infection, including a 21-month superbug outbreak in the cancer ward that killed eight children.

While Bambino Gesù threatened legal against the media, a secret three-month Vatican-authorized investigation in 2014 confirmed that the mission of “the pope’s hospital” had been lost and was “today more aimed at profit than on caring for children.”

In 2013, two pediatricians at the hospital were suspended after they advised the parents of a seriously ill child to have him operated on in a private clinic, at a cost of 38,000 euros, in order to cut down waiting time. 

Meanwhile, in a push to promote the jabs to kids, the Italian bishops have reprinted Bambino Gesù’s FAQs in the newspaper Avvenire to “reassure parents about the safety and efficacy of vaccines for children and fight fake news” on the jabs. Avvenire is one of the 10 bestselling newspapers in Italy.

— Campaign 31877 —