Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Powerful Virtues and Their Devastating Opposing Vices


In a world where virtue seems like a lost commodity and vice rules the day, it’s helpful to frame all of this from a Catholic lens. And when it comes to vice and virtue, it’s a pretty simple lens.

For each of the vices, there is a corresponding virtue. The whole question of vices and virtues is pretty big today in the online world.

Let us show you this one, for example, tweeted by San Antonio Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, a man who knows a little bit about the world of vices and needed virtues:

Some look for glory others for domination. Glory of merely human praise and anxious for good opinions. Those eager for domination act as beasts through cruelty or self indulgence. There are those who are virtuous worshiping the true God, finding God as the source of all good.

The next tweet is from a woman who calls herself an “epistemically violent housewife exposing communist psychospiritual dysfunction. Very happily married mom of 3. Anti-Narcissist”:

People have been tricked into believing that narcissism is the same as honest self-reflection. So much monstrous behavior nowadays is framed as self-awareness, self-expression, or self-care. People have been taught that self-obsession is virtuous. They love it.

Whatever her religious persuasion, she has hit on something there in the world of vices and virtue.

But there isn’t anything she’s pointing to that doesn’t already have much higher expression in the annals of the Catholic faith.

To this end, we are happy to reach into our video vault and re-present to many of you who have not seen it this episode of The Armor of God, dealing specifically with vice and virtue.

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Now, sit back and enjoy and learn from this latest offering from Church Militant.