Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Prayer, evangelization, communion: papal encouragement for Catholic charismatics (Vatican Press Office)

Pope Francis received members of the National Renewal in the Spirit movement on January 21 and encouraged them to continued their emphasis on prayer and evangelization while strengthening the bonds of communion with local bishops and parishes.

“The charismatic movement by nature gives space and emphasis to prayer, in particular prayer of praise, and this is very important,” Pope Francis said. “In a world dominated by the culture of ownership and efficiency, and also in a Church at times too concerned with organization – beware of this! – we all need to give space to giving thanks, praise and awe before the grace of God.”

Describing evangelization as “the DNA of the charismatic movement,” the Pope said that “the Holy Spirit, welcomed in the heart and in life, cannot but open us, move us, make us go out: the Spirit always urges us to communicate the Gospel, to go out, and He does so with his inexhaustible imagination.”