Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pregnancy Centers Under Siege


Pregnancy resource centers help women through their crisis pregnancies and beyond. This is why pro-aborts hate them. Church Militant’s Paul Murano is with us tonight to take a closer look at the politics and the violence.

Paul Murano, producer, Church Militant: Thanks, guys. Post-Roe anger is targeting churches and pro-life pregnancy centers. In tonight’s In-Depth Report, I review some of the great work these centers do and why they’re being punished for it.

Heidi Matzke, executive director, Alternatives Pregnancy Center: “Just last week as the exhibit shows, a man approached our care center with an armed machete. We have been forced to hire 24-hour on-site security. We’ve had to reinforce doors and bullet-proof our walls.”

Not long after Roe v. Wade legalized prenatal murder, pro-life pregnancy help centers began to sprout up across the nation. And now that Roe is history, the death peddlers are coming after the good guys — politically and violently.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.: “Those crisis pregnancy centers that are there to fool people who are looking for pregnancy termination help outnumber true abortion clinics by 3 to 1. We need to shut them down here in Massachusetts, and we need to shut them down all around the country.”

While the Devil’s minions in the political arena scheme to shut down pro-life centers, there’s been a marked uptick in violence and vandalism since the Supreme Court’s leak of the Dobbs decision.

Andrea Trudden, VP communications and marketing, Heartbeat International: “In the month of May, about 1 in 6 of our organizations reported some form of attack. Now that did also include an onslaught of fake reviews online, harassing phone calls, protests, and then, of course, damage to private property.”

Heartbeat International is a network of pro-life pregnancy resource centers that has over 3,000 affiliated partner locations.

Trudden: “We’ve been in this movement for 50 years. So we do our part to help educate and inform.”

These centers save babies and help mothers because they offer the truth. And if the facility has an ultrasound machine that allows the woman to see her baby, even more infants are saved — sparing mothers a lifetime of sorrow.

Roland Warren, president/CEO, Care Net: “This is where we do ultrasounds; and, again, all the services we have at pregnancy centers are free.”

Trudden: “More than 80% of women who, when they have an ultrasound, and they are able to see the life inside of them, through that window to the womb, they do tend to choose life.”

Although saving babies from death is paramount, most pregnancy help centers assist women and children way beyond birth.

Roland Warren: “So this is all donations. They come from churches and other supporters of the pregnancy center. It really is a wellspring of compassion for folks that have a real concern, and they want, you know — it’s not just about saving a baby, it’s about raising a child.”

Why are the pro-aborts targeting churches and pro-life pregnancy help centers with their anger and vile? They’ve bought into the lies of post-Christian America on radical autonomy and the nature of women — so much that, to them, love feels like hate and pregnancy centers that don’t offer abortion feel like oppression.

One center that wished to remain anonymous told Church Militant they’re lying low now for fear of being targeted. They helped almost 700 babies and their mothers last year. And the material support they give continues several years after birth.