Order. Discipline. Brotherhood. Greatness.

Premium Premieres


In the midst of the global craziness that has become the new norm, we must remember that “the Catholic lens” must always be at hand. Everything that happens in the world must be viewed through this lens — and not just in big-stage global affairs, but in our own individual lives. 

Most people don’t make the necessary intellectual jump from “the world” to “their world” — as in your household, your children, your day-to-day life, your soul. But the globalists have made that connection. In fact, they created it, and they even trumpet it, as World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab bragged about at the recently concluded Davos meeting in Switzerland.

A combination of many forces has brought the world to the brink of all this — technology, media, education, economics, politics. All these forces, each in the hands of spiritual degenerates, have created a new order for the world. 

The entire point is to wipe away any vestige of Christianity — specifically Catholicism.

True, the plan has been around for centuries, and that plan has been the destruction of the Christian order of the world, but until certain pieces were put in place, it could not accelerate. Those pieces are now being put into place, and we have seen some of this play out already:

A stolen election to lockdown power in D.C.
A man-made pandemic to wreck the world’s economy and condition people to fall in line 
One media distraction after another to deflect from the truth
The amassing of trillions in new national debt to cripple any meaningful recovery
Constant climate-change propaganda to set the stage for the destruction of energy independence
The nonstop drumbeating of sexual perversion and degeneracy as “human rights”

It never ends. The entire point is to wipe away any vestige of Christianity — specifically Catholicism — because until the Faith is crushed underfoot, they don’t have total control, as founder of the Italian Communist Party Antonio Gramsci admitted back in the 1930s.

The world, as well as your world, has zero hope of salvation without Catholicism. That’s why, from day one here at Church Militant, we have been dedicated to proclaiming Catholic truth — especially in our programming, much of which is Premium programming.

On that score, we are proud to announce the rollout of three new Premium shows. The first is Mental Health (and the need to understand it from a Catholic perspective), which debuted last month.

The second all-new show that debuted earlier this week is Marian Moment. The inspiration for this was a live show we produced every day with very limited staff back during the early COVID-19 lockdowns of 2020. Its focus was specifically on Marian theology, but in this new program, we expand on that and talk about how the fullness of Marian theology finds its place in today’s global crisis, brought about by Freemasonry and communism.

The Church Militant Premium channel literally has thousands of hours and hundreds of episodes that explore virtually every last nook and cranny of the Faith. We’ve never changed the low cost of just $10 monthly, because we want anyone who wants to, to be able to join and view the content.

Likewise, Church Militant provides hours and hours of programming each week, such as this Vortex, Evening News, Headlines and Investigations — all of that for free to you.

But it isn’t free for us to produce. Your $10-a-month subscription not only goes toward the Premium content, but it also allows us to keep producing the daily free programming. And not just video, but high-quality production and relevant information that is properly vetted and researched by accomplished professionals with degrees in theology and real-world experience in politics and journalism.

If there was ever a time to support Church Militant and become a Premium member, now is that time.

All of that is what your $10 monthly (as well as any other donations) provide: a guarantee of Catholic analysis and perspective delivered like no other in the Catholic world. It’s truthful, hard hitting and to the point.

If there was ever a time to support Church Militant and become a Premium member, now is that time.

Finally, we mentioned a third Premium show, which is now in final production. That show is called “Restoring Tradition” and will trace the history of the attacks against Tradition and orthodoxy and lay out the need to restore them. Look for that in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, please sign up today to become a Premium member by clicking here.

Thank you in advance.


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