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Priests under increased surveillance in Nicaragua; Ortega regime reportedly approving diocesan appointments (La Prensa)

La Prensa, a Nicaraguan newspaper whose editors fled the country in 2022, is reporting that priests there are under increased surveillance.

“The police come to pay visits to the priests, take photos in the parishes, rectories, even restrooms,” said Martha Patricia Molina, an attorney who has documented the persecution of the Church in Nicaragua. The police also ask priests “if they respect celibacy, and what the bishop’s sexual life is like.”

La Prensa alleges that Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes of Managua has recently appointed pro-regime priests to vacant pastorates to replace priests who have gone into exile.

The appointments of a new vicar general and chancellor have been made “with the approval of Rosario Murillo,” the nation’s first lady and vice president, said Molina.