Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pro-Trans Republicans

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Despite the fact that transgender hormones and surgery for gender-confused children have grave life-long consequences, legislation to stop the barbarity is continuously being blocked by “Republicans In Name Only,” or RINOs.

Church Militant’s Nadia Hazimeh highlights the politicians legally upholding this trend to push transgender ideology and permanently scar children.

Dr. Jess Ting, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York: “Young kids, adolescents, who are realizing much earlier in life and are able to transition, even before puberty … .”

The newest trend in our Culture of Death is encroaching on children, and both political parties are guilty of the abuse. Bills in 16 states would ban the mutilation of minors, and RINOs are often the ones blocking them.

To give examples, Republican leaders in Kentucky and Mississippi recently dropped bills that would ban so-called transitioning procedures for minors. A Florida bill designed to crack down on doctors who prescribe hormonal drugs to children or remove their healthy body parts is being stalled by the Republican House speaker.

State Rep. Marie Woodson, D-Fla.: “This bill would only marginalize and demonize the transgender community.”

Meanwhile, Arizona’s RINO house speaker is joining Dems in supporting a bill that forbids helping patients overcome unwanted same-sex attraction.

Rep. Rusty Bowers, Republican House Speaker, Arizona: “We don’t all walk in lockstep in our state. Everybody has different nuances of belief.” This, in a state whose GOP governor, Doug Ducey, is a long-time supporter of LGBT deviancy.

There are also 25 outstanding bills in various states that remedy injustice against minors — in sports and bathrooms as well as doctors’ offices. But RINOs are joining with Dems to stop them.

Joe Biden: “So I’m proud to join you today to celebrate the courage of transgender individuals.”

The war against children and against nature is not only being waged by far-left Democrats. The malicious blindness is not uncommon among Republicans too.

The medications given as part of so-called transgender treatment for children have never been clinically studied for that purpose.

— Campaign 32075 —