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Pure and Simple


One of the glories of the Catholic faith is its pure simplicity and its simple purity. And this is all that is required of us: purity of heart and a single-minded desire for Heaven. Purity and simplicity share in common with each other the notion of clarity. Everything we need to know in the Catholic Church is very clear.

Purity and simplicity are bound together with clarity. For example, the teaching on the Blessed Sacrament, the Real Presence, is just that. Jesus Christ is really, truly and substantially present — body, blood, soul and divinity — under the appearance of bread and wine.

Simple does not mean not deep. But it does mean clear. You can’t get much more straightforward than that. And don’t make the mistake of thinking that just because something is cloaked in mystery, it isn’t clear. The “how” or “why” or even the “what” of something doesn’t detract from its simplicity or purity.

The Host, which looks and tastes like bread, is Jesus Christ, pure and simple. So too is the Church’s teaching that if a person is to be saved, then he must not die in a state of mortal sin. He must die in a state of grace, meaning, sanctifying grace, having the Holy Trinity living and abiding in him.

Everything we need to know in the Catholic Church is very clear.

This, too, is a pure and simple teaching. Depart from this life without the indwelling of the Holy Trinity, and a person remains in that state forever, without end — this is Hell. At death, the soul experiences an illumination of reality, of the truth that what really mattered was its condition before God.

God does not know a soul without Himself present in that soul at the moment of death. He Himself attests to this in the gospels when He says, quite clearly, to those knocking on the door to get in, “Go away, I tell you. I do not know you.”

God is life. A person that dies in mortal sin has a soul without life, the requisite spirituality of the Holy Trinity. If one dies in that state, then his soul is forever sealed in that state. It’s like a team losing a game because it has fewer points than its opponent when the final gun sounds.

That loss is forever sealed, locked and unchangeable. The competition is unrepeatable. The loss stands forever as a sign of failure to achieve the goal of victory. So many people struggle with the concept of eternal damnation, but salvation and damnation are pure and simple concepts.

It’s a very simple and pure concept, and it’s extremely straightforward. Reject God and His loving commandments in this life and a person is forever sealed in that condition of rejection of God. Likewise, if one lives a life of desire to cling to God in this life by following the commandments of love, then that choice is ratified for eternity.

The Son of God commanded that a person be baptized and eat His Body and drink His Blood. He then underscored that if you don’t do this, then you have no life within you. So how could a soul that departs this life without the life of God suddenly attain the life of God after death? The time for choosing is this side of death, not the next. It’s pure and simple.

A soul must depart this life in a state of grace, with the life of God within. And the surest means to do that is as a baptized receiver of Holy Communion, who has no conscious knowledge of mortal sin on his soul. Everything else for a rational, non-invincibly ignorant person is a gamble in the extreme and, more than likely, a losing proposition.

The line from the psalms is most instructive here: “Deep is calling on deep.” When we stand before Almighty God, what He will search us for is the image of Himself. To the degree that we image Him, then deep calls on deep, and deep responds and goes to deep — like things to like things.

But when God calls out to the soul before Him at the judgment and that soul is spiritually dead — in a state of deadly sin — then there is nothing deep within that soul to respond. Here, we have two things that are not alike, and, as such, the soul with death flees from the God of life and prefers the torments of eternal loss to the even greater torments of being in a state of constant death surrounded by life.

This is why the Church’s members and leaders must never retreat from the truth — from its purity, simplicity and clarity. The Faith is simple because it flows from and back to God, Who is simple in Himself. The Faith is pure because God is one. The Faith is blinding in its clarity because so is God.

Church Militant is committed to presenting the teachings of the Church and teaching them in a clear, decisive, irrefutable and, of course, easily understood fashion. The truths of the holy Catholic faith must be intellectually accessible to everyone at all times.

So we’d like to ask you to become a Premium member today. It’s just $10 a month. That’s less than almost everyone spends on a cup of coffee in a week.

In the face of the colossal failure on the part of Church leaders, the laity must step up and take responsibility for their own spiritual welfare. It’s why we produced 13 episodes of our program Fr. Pablo Says. It’s straight talk about the Church from a very well-known priest that Mother Angelica considered near and dear to her heart.

The Faith is simple because it flows from and back to God, Who is simple in Himself.

Likewise, we produced 26 episodes of a show everyone loved, The Majesty of the Faith. They were produced specifically to be short, single-minded episodes, easily understood.

And, in this same vein, we produced a really good show with Fr. Louis Guardiola of the Fathers of Mercy, Losing My Religion, on the necessity of Catholicism for salvation.

All this week (the last week of the summer) we are going to be highlighting the treasure trove that is the Premium channel of Church Militant. It’s 100% faithful to the Magisterium, easily understood, and, most importantly, it reveals aspects of Church teaching you’ve likely never heard before.

The spiritual war the world is involved in right now demands that Catholics know the Faith down cold. Becoming Premium is a fantastic way to begin. Again, please just click on the link and sign up today for your monthly Premium subscription. Our call is to conform to God in the way He commands us, pure and simple.


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