Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Referendum on Life


For the first time in the nation’s history, voters in one state will be able to craft an abortion policy through their direct vote. In tonight’s In-Depth Report, Church Militant’s Paul Murano has the latest on how Kansas is planning on protecting the preborn.

Volunteer, Value Them Both Amendment: “We will be voting ‘yes’ on the ‘Value Them Both Amendment,’ Aug. 2, 2022.”

Kansans will head to the polls Aug. 2, where their votes could alter the state’s Constitution in favor of the unborn. The outcome will be veto-proof.

Reporter, KSNT News: “In August, voters will determine whether to allow abortions to be regulated.”

Lawmakers gave citizens of the Sunflower State a referendum on the Value Them Both Amendment. If passed, it would curtail abortion in four ways: It would allow lawmakers to enact restrictions, keep state tax dollars from funding prenatal murder, require parental notification for minors procuring abortions, and ensure women have access to critical information before “choosing” death for their child.

Jeanne Gawdun, senior lobbyist, Kansans for Life: “Kansans are pro-life, and they want to protect the reasonable regulations on the abortion industry.”

Kansas is one of the most conservative states in the nation. But a 2019 state Supreme Court ruling proclaimed abortion to be a constitutional right throughout pregnancy. This act of judicial tyranny dismantled all previous pro-life laws restricting child murder in the state.

The lone dissenting judge in that case, Justice Caleb Stegall, wrote a dissent that included: “In [the majority’s] imagined world, the Liberty Bell rings every time a baby in utero loses her [sic] arm.”

Caleb Stegall, justice, Kansas Supreme Court: “A corrupt, a wicked, an incompetent judiciary is one of the surest paths to a lawless society.”

This amendment wouldn’t ban all abortions. It would, however, restore restrictions on child killing that existed before the court overstepped its bounds in 2019. One candidate up for restoration is the ban on “D and E” (or dismemberment) abortions. These horrific procedures are performed on second- and third-trimester children.

Dr. Anthony Levatino, former abortionist:

One by one, the rest of the limbs are removed, along with the intestines, the spine and the heart and lungs. Usually, the most difficult part of the procedure is extracting the baby’s head, which is about the size of a large plumb at 20 weeks. The head is grasped and crushed. The abortionist knows he has crushed the skull when a white substance comes out of the cervix. This was the baby’s brains.

Murder at any stage of a human being’s life, which begins at conception, is barbaric. People of goodwill know this.

Lila Rose, president, Live Action: “The spiritual ramifications of all this, we can hardly wrap our minds around.”

This summer, the citizens of Kansas, through their ballots, will be able to partially express this truth.

Because of their high court’s ruling, Kansas became an abortion-destination state. In 2020, more prenatal murders were performed on children of women from surrounding states than were on children of Kansas residents.