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Religious Conservatives to Feds: ‘Defund the Religious Left’

In a first-of-its-kind initiative, an alliance of almost a dozen conservative religious groups is calling for the federal defunding of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, as well as other members of the religious Left, owing to their radical “American last” agenda.

Composed of Church Militant, Virgin Most Powerful Radio, Roman Catholic Faithful, Lepanto Institute, Regina Magazine, Arcadia Films, American Life League, Complicit Clergy, The Angry Catholic and The King’s Men, the Deposit of Faith Coalition is acting on behalf of millions of political conservatives fed up with their religious leaders’ leftist activism.


The DOFC is urging the federal government to immediately pull funding from the USCCB and like-minded religious bodies, as such groups are actively politicking with the Democratic Party in exchange for lavish government contracts.

Cdls. Timothy Dolan, Blase Cupich & Joseph Tobin

For instance, each year, through congressional appropriations, the USCCB and its “social justice” operations are awarded hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars. The bishops and their agents then use these monies to push for anti-American policies advocated by the Democratic Party. In the present federal fiscal climate, the bishops are almost entirely unaccountable. They enjoy a tax-exempt status and operate freely under an IRS exemption, which preserves them from filing any public tax documents that allow for transparency.

For decades, the USCCB has used billions of taxpayer dollars to promote the policies of the radical Left, including gun control, open borders, stoking climate change paranoia and censorship of religious speech. 

Cardinals Timothy Dolan of New York, Blase Cupich of Chicago and Joseph Tobin of Newark have all publicly urged Americans to surrender their guns.

The USCCB receives tens of millions of dollars from the government every year to provide refugee and migrant services. Nearly 39% of the USCCB’s budget in 2016 came from government contracts tied to immigration services — worth more than $95 million.

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The Vortex: A New Coalition to Beat Back America’s Liberal Bishops

Some 20 climate change advocacy groups operate directly under the umbrella of the USCCB. 

The Michigan Conference of Catholic Bishops remains silent in the wake of HB4474 — a law that kills free speech. It’s now sailing through the Michigan Legislature.

Such examples illustrate why the members of the DOFC — fed up with the blatant abuse of the bishops’ tax-exempt status — are uniting in a historic effort to expose this injustice to the mainstream conservative world.

The USCCB has used billions of taxpayer dollars to promote the policies of the radical Left.

The coalition proposes three ways to defund the U.S. Catholic bishops and their allies among the religious left:

Stop congressional appropriations committees from granting them contracts 
Force the bishops to publish their tax filings (990s) by amending the IRS code
Cancel the bishops’ tax-exempt status outright for blatant partisan politicking

You can join us on Thursday, July 20, when the coalition will host a prayer rally outside USCCB headquarters at 11 a.m ET. This will be followed by a press conference at the National Press Club at 1 p.m. We will have four expert speakers giving presentations about each of the following areas where the bishops have been complicit in undermining America: illegal immigration, climate change, being pro-gun control and going along with anti-free speech initiatives that impact directly on religious speech. Church Militant will be livestreaming all of it beginning at 12:30 p.m. and wrapping up our coverage at 3 p.m. ET. Click HERE for further information and details.

— Campaign 31877 —