Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Renewed papal prayer for peace, invitation to pause in wonder before Nativity scene (Vatican Press Office)

At the conclusion of his St. Stephen’s Day Angelus address (CWN coverage), Pope Francis renewed his appeal to pray for peace.

“I also entrust the invocation of peace of war-torn peoples to the intercession of the first martyr,” said the Pope, referring to St. Stephen. “The media show us what war produces: we have seen Syria, we see Gaza. Think of tormented Ukraine.”

“A desert of death,” he continued. “Is this what we want? The peoples want peace. Let us pray for peace. Let us strive for peace.”

The Pope then invited pilgrims to “pause before the large Nativity scene in St. Peter’s Square, inspired by the one St. Francis made in Greccio 800 years ago.”

“As you observe the statues, you will see a common feature on their faces and in their poses: wonder,” he said. “You will see a wonder that becomes adoration. May we let ourselves be struck by awe before the birth of the Lord. I wish that you preserve this in yourselves: the wonder that becomes adoration.”