Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Reshaping Elections


Leftists are seething after the U.S. Supreme Court recently defended life, the right to bear arms and religious freedom.

Church Militant’s Aidan O’Connor takes a closer look at a North Carolina court case that could change elections in America.

America’s highest court is hearing a case that could affect voting maps and reshape future elections.

On Thursday, SCOTUS agreed to hear Moore v. Harper, a North Carolina case revolving around voter redistricting.

North Carolina’s high court rejected a voting map drawn up by the state’s legislature. The Tar Heel Supreme Court accused legislators of partisan gerrymandering, meaning drawing a voting map to favor one political party.

Republican lawmakers want the map restored and are claiming the state court acted beyond its power. Church Militant’s political analyst, Jim Ellis, offers insight into what this could mean for the future.

Jim Ellis, Church Militant political analyst: “The U.S. Supreme Court is clearly wanting to make a definitive ruling on redistricting. What this means is we may likely have a major redo on redistricting after the 2022 cycle.”

In March, Catholic justice Samuel Alito noted that this case raises “an exceptionally important and recurring question of constitutional law.”

SCOTUS agreed to hear the case next term, avoiding interference with November’s elections.

Ellis: “The Republicans send a map and the Democrat court throws it out because they claim it’s a partisan gerrymander. As long as you have human beings drawing maps there’s going to be some level of bias in them.”

The radical Left is shaking at the prospect of state lawmakers having more control over redistricting, and, eventually, the presidential election.

The Supreme Court is also hearing a case in October from Louisiana, regarding racial gerrymandering.