Order. Discipline. Brotherhood. Greatness.

Rolling in Your Dough


Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.

As the fight inside the Church for spiritual integrity starts to get really down and dirty, you’ll notice how Church Militant is coming under increasing attack these days.

Whether it’s from:

Willfully blind people who don’t want to face the music that sex abuse and grooming and all of the attendant evils are happening in their own backyard
The more established icons of the Church of Nice (like Bill Donohue’s baseless announcement that the sex abuse crisis is now officially over and likening us to “nut jobs” for our reporting on it) 
The broadsides we get from the pro-vaccine department of the Church of Nice (who take large sums from the empire of evil — Google et al.)
The sideswipes by an increasingly hostile Vatican receiving billions from Chinese communists to keep their ecclesiastical pieholes shut about religious persecution or
U.S. bishops and their homosexual surrogates, who are even giving homilies now condemning Church Militant

It doesn’t matter who it is or what they say. They all have one thing in common; there’s a single thread running through all of the attacks. They come from personalities and heads of outfits who are rolling in your dough and have compromised the truth to get access to your money.

And it doesn’t matter if it’s your money “inside” an envelope printed by Our Sunday Visitor (with its lucrative contracts from corrupt chanceries) or the money itself you put in that envelope, which is channeled into the superstructure of the Church of Nice (which bows before the altar of the god of COVID in all its manifestations), or the sums diverted by bishops (through exerting their influence) to “Catholic” outfits whose leaders pull down massive salaries in exchange for doing little for the propagation of the Faith.

All of that, all balled up into one giant network of corruption and influence and nepotism and cronyism, is fueled by your money. One way or another, this way or that, it’s all coming out of your pocket.

Like the government (which produces absolutely nothing), the Church of Nice sells nothing, although it is comprised of sellouts with lukewarm support of pro-life Catholics and the innocent babies they try to shield (and that’s on a good day — lukewarm when they’re feeling magnanimous). Or various bishop-supported so-called media outlets who present watered-down catechesis while, at the same time, never saying a word about the scandal of active homosexual clergy destroying the Church from the inside.

We shine the light of truth on their evil.

The list of half-truths, outright lies, deliberate and willful sidestepping of the fullness of the truth of the gospel, the embrace of the world and all its falsehoods and empty promises, all of it has at its root the love of money.

The promise of Heaven, and, yes, the necessary cross in this life is the price of admission, all of that has been swept aside by the heresy of modernism, just as Pope St. Pius said would happen back in 1907 in his giant truth-bomb encyclical, Pascendi Domini Gregis (well worth the read).

As the years have gone by here at Church Militant (now into our 16th year, hard to believe), we have come to realize that this apostolate, with its clearly enunciated and prayed-for-every-day mission of being used to save souls, has put us clearly in the sights of the modernists.

They hate us because we shine the light of truth on their evil and half-truths and, for the record, a half-truth is always a full lie.

The heart of modernism, spiritually speaking, is the rejection of the Cross. It’s the easy road to Heaven — or so they tell themselves, in complete defiance of what Our Blessed Lord Himself said.

Judas was the first modernist, happy to embrace the world, thinking that spiritual change is brought about by going along with the world’s view of happiness and Heaven. It was for this reason that Ven. Abp. Fulton Sheen (whose canonization is being held up by the modernists) dubbed Judas “the patron saint of social justice.”

Modernists seek comfort and self-indulgence, large salaries and influence in the town square, worldly respect from their fellow men. And, let’s face it, they get all of that. And frankly, why shouldn’t they? Again, as Our Blessed Lord said, “For where your treasure is, there is your heart as well.” The entire kingdom of modernism is extremely well-funded, and fighting against it takes a certain amount of material goods as well as truth and determination.

For this reason, we’d like to appeal to you to become a monthly donor to Church Militant and the work we do here. And the work we do here pushing back against the heresy of modernism is extensive. We have developed a network of hundreds of clergy we call “The New Catacombs,” where we give clerics a platform to announce their dissatisfaction with the evil that leaders of the Church are embracing.

We have developed our Church Militant Resistance, which has thousands of laity all around the country committed to righting the ship in their particular diocese.

A half-truth is always a full lie.

Here in the studio, we have ramped up not only our production capabilities (to bring you the most easily viewed way to access the truth of the current crisis in the Church), but also our actual content — be it our all-new Church Militant Evening News, where we are also training the next generation of authentic Catholic media, or our Spotlight investigations, where we pour hundreds of hours of work into exposing the darkest corners of corruption in the Church, or our Special Assignments, covering everything from the election theft (using statistical analysis to show the steal) to the COVID tyranny and all its concomitant evils, not only in society but, most especially, in the Church.

Or we can point to our increasing reports from the road, where we are able to be on the ground, up close and personal, with faithful Catholics fighting the modernist heresy in their own backyard — as well as covering the major stories of the day.

Or the expert reporting from Rome and stellar work done there by our Church Militant Rome correspondent Jules Gomes, unmasking the rot of the Church of Nice.

And even into the world of politics, which is downstream from the corruption of the Church, where Church Militant has established itself as the most authoritative voice in fighting the effects of the modernist heresy in the culture.

We do all this and much more — a truly Catholic media apostolate, an apostolate that places corporate prayer at the center of everything we do here. Rosary and morning prayer to lead off our day, as well as evening prayer to end our day. We know that what is really going on is a spiritual war, and that’s how we approach it because that is the only way to approach it. 

So we’d like to ask for your financial support to continue this important work by asking you to click on the donation link below and commit to whatever you may be able to on a monthly basis. Thank you in advance for whatever you are able to give.

As many of you already know, we are great admirers of Abp. Fulton Sheen and, on a personal note, I served Mass for him when I was a freshman in high school in San Francisco. He is a towering figure here at the apostolate. We’ve even named what we lovingly call our “media pit” after him, where all our content flows from.

The battle against the modernist heresy requires a full-time commitment and a level of vigilance that we have here at Church Militant and will never let up from.

So again, thank you in advance, and keep our work in your prayers and Masses.


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