This act of defending the Catholic Faith by Cardinals Robert Sarah, Raymond Burke, Joseph Zen Ze-kiun, Juan Sandoval, and Walter Brandmüller, who stirred things up at the heart of the Vatican, won the support of the former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF).

The German cardinal warns against the fact that today having a heretical position can enhance an ecclesial career. He recalls that bishops must not be mere puppets who blindly repeat what the Pope says and that they must rise up against neo-papalism.

According to Cardinal Müller, if Catholics know that popes are the successors of St. Peter at Rome, they should also be aware that they must oppose the caricature of popes made by the Protestants in the 16th century as well as those who use papal authority in order to be viewed better in the eyes of the New World Order.

Cardinal Müller claims to have “defended Catholic doctrine,” fulfilling in good conscience his responsibility as bishop and as cardinal. “But,” he adds, “I am glad when others in their own way do what is necessary and remind the Pope of his God-given responsibility for the preservation of the Church in the ‘teaching of the Apostles’ (Acts 2:42).”

He continues forcefully: “At present, there is a career-enhancing but heretical position that God reveals Himself only to Pope Francis through direct information in the Holy Spirit, and that bishops have only to blindly repeat these heavenly illuminations and mechanically pass them on like speaking puppets.”

Müller explains: “A bishop, however, by virtue of his consecration, is the successor of the Apostles and authentic teacher of the Gospel of Christ,” in union with the other bishops and the Pope. “This is the true doctrine of the primacy of the Pope and not the neo-papalism of those who want to surrender the Church of Christ to the ideology of atheistic and anti-human Davos capitalism.”

The former Prefect of the CDF clarifies: “Their fraudulent pretext is the adaptation of the allegedly obsolete Word of God, as if in Christ all truth was not given to us, to the standards of a pseudo-scientific anti-marriage anthropology and a civilization of death (abortion, embryo trafficking, euthanasia, body mutilation by so-called sex change).”

Although each “Catholic believes in the divine and Catholic truth […] But as a theologically enlightened disciple of Christ, he opposes the caricature of the papacy in both the anti-Roman polemic of the Reformers at the time and the parrot-like understanding of un-Catholic neo-papalism or papagayismo.”

The cardinal at last concludes: “Thus, they expose the Catholic faith to ridicule in a secular public that does not believe in the fact of the historical Revelation of God in Christ and uses the Pope – whether they realize it or naively go along with it does not matter to them – as an authority to win the, in their eyes, backward and unenlightened Catholic masses for the New World Order 2030.”

Cardinal Gerhard Müller published a brief declaration supporting the five cardinals who presented dubia to Pope Francis. The German cardinal said he was “glad” that “others in their own way do what is necessary and remind the Pope of his God-given responsibility for the preservation of the Church.”

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