Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Sexual Morality, Transgenderism, LGBTQ+, Abortion, Euthanasia – Apologetics #34

Please note: Before we begin this episode, a content warning. Father and I will be discussing topics of an adult nature, and speaking frankly about issues touching on the 6th and 9th commandment, upon others. While these are important issues, and Catholics must be aware of the morality of these topics and not just turn a blind eye to them, this episode would not be suitable for children. And parents are encouraged to listen to this before prudentially judging whether their high school aged children should listen.

On today’s episode of the SSPX Podcast, we continue discussing the concept of morality with Fr. Palko. In the last two episodes, we looked at morality in a theoretical and principled way. Today, we examine specific moral issues while tackling traditional moral positions that contemporary society views as “outdated” regarding sexuality, abortion, euthanasia, organ transplants, and more.

You can find notes to all these episodes at, as well as all our previous episodes. There as well, you can find a link to help support this project. This is free to listen to, as well as all the resources we’re posting, but if you can help with a one time or a small monthly recurring donation, you’ll be making sure that we can continue this work of producing good Catholic content on a regular basis.

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