Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Solace in Comedy

Church Militant recently spoke with Ty Lemmon, a comedian whose notoriety began to snowball on social media after applying his craft to the folly of leftist politics.

In one tweet, he wrote, “My girlfriend’s grandparents? Hard-working, decent folks primarily concerned with social equality and strengthening social safety nets through liberalism. Lifelong Democrats. They both voted for Joe Biden. It would’ve been a pleasure to have met them when they were still alive.”

My girlfriend’s grandparents? Hard-working, decent folks primarily concerned with social equality and strengthening social safety nets through liberalism. Lifelong Democrats. They both voted for Joe Biden. It would’ve been a pleasure to have met them when they were still alive.

— TY LEMMON (@tuxlemons) November 5, 2020

The tweet did particularly well, garnering thousands of retweets on Twitter. A lifelong fan of stand-up comedy, Lemmon uses humor to point out the hypocrisy of the Left as well as his personal dealings with that hypocrisy.

Ty Lemmon: “Life can get hard, particularly when the leader of the free world is a senile, kid-sniffing crypt keeper who reportedly showers with his daughter, suffers narcoleptic bouts and has issues controlling his own bowels. People have to find ways to laugh to maintain their own sanity.”

This is just for the leader of the free world. On a more personal note, Lemmon wrote:

Lemmon: “I have friends that wear ‘trust the science’ T-shirts and think there are 162 genders. The pandemic has provided a vast treasure trove of these types of examples. In San Francisco, criminals can steal $950 worth of goods from your store and then defecate in front of it without facing legal repercussions, but your 5-year-old needs to show their papers to enter Chuck E. Cheese. Everyone wears masks alone in their cars or outside while exercising. It’s peak “clown world” out there these days.”

Free speech restrictions are not only a problem for organizations such as Church Militant (in Baltimore). Lemmon explains how it also affects his industry.

Lemmon: “I began noticing that many prominent centrist or right-leaning figures were being digitally assassinated for reporting factual information or simply writing jokes. … These Big Pharma-sponsored fact-checkers should be mocked. They are deserving of ridicule. Everything is hilariously inconsistent. In my city, you weren’t allowed to go to a gym, library or a park due to COVID-19. But there was a pornography store that they considered an essential service. Cardio bad, porn good. How do you not laugh at that?”

Perhaps what is most amusing about Lemmon is how the comedian frames the current political climate.

Lemmon: “Joe Biden’s presidency reminds me of Squid Game. Everyone is horribly in debt, the murder rate is skyrocketing and you can’t understand anything unless he’s dubbed or subtitled.”

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On a more serious note, Lemmon spoke about how lockdown policies have impacted him personally and those around him.

Lemmon: “I am politically homeless onstage. But I am personally anti-lockdown, ever since the end of the first two weeks to slow the spread. The lockdowns have devastated small businesses in my community, while the Costcos and Wal-Marts enjoy Disneyland-level lineups. I have lost way more friends to suicide than COVID-19 since the Fauci virus hit. My city is also suffering unparalleled drug overdoses at the moment. I have friends who are police officers. They said the increase in domestic assault was absolutely staggering. Four of my friends (all under 40) were unfortunately severely injured by the vaccine, so I am against forced vaccinations. I am not anti-vaccine at all, but I am anti vaccine passport.”

Unlike Kathy Griffin, whose vulgar brand of anti-conservative jabs culminated in her holding Trump’s bloody, decapitated head in effigy, some comics don’t lose their careers when delving into politics. Ever since heading down this dangerous path of political mockery, Lemmon has only seen growth.

Lemmon: “I believe my tweets have roughly 50 million total views, something absurd like that.”

What increases the irony is how he garnered his fame.

Lemmon: “Twitter is getting more eyes on my comedy, which is the important thing. Plus, it’s nice to see that there are like-minded individuals out there who are fed up with this nonsense.” 

Unlike “Catholic” media outlets that are typically no more than propaganda from the U.S. bishops’ conference, Lemmon doesn’t shy away from biting the Marxist hand that feeds him — the tech giants: 

Lemmon: “I have developed a fan base there very quickly. Everyone is sick of a handful of unemployed, green-haired communists with strange degrees promulgating this cancel culture nonsense and frothing at the mouth to witness their next Maoist struggle session.”

Unfortunately for Lemmon, he doesn’t see light at the end of the tunnel for his fellow countrymen:

Lemmon: “Most people in my city want to be triple-masked, quadruple-jabbed and devour legacy media fear porn on their couches for the rest of their lives. It’s refreshing to find an audience online that at least realizes the mainstream media narrative is a disgrace, and disagrees with the blatant censorship. But it seems the vast majority of people in my city would still prefer to be locked down, in their pajamas, eating Ben and Jerrys’ Colin Kaepernick ice cream for breakfast and clapping like seals to Don Lemon and Brian Stelter — while prepping their latest online virtue-signaling post.”

Although Lemmon’s jokes might not always be up to snuff with Catholic sensibilities, most conservatives will probably agree with his mockery of the radical Left.

Lemmon: “If you enjoyed Colbert dancing with vaccines and you think it’s perfectly fine for Ronald McDonald House to kick out unvaccinated cancer patients, my comedy probably isn’t for you.”

You can find Ty Lemmon on Instagram (@tuxlemons), on Twitter (@tuxlemons) — and definitely not on CNN.

— Campaign 31877 —