Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Some Minnesota medical students alarmed by presence of classmates faithful to Catholic teaching (Minneapolis Star Tribune)

Some medical students at the University of Minnesota Medical School in Duluth expressed discomfort and alarm at the presence of Catholic classmates who are faithful to Catholic teaching on moral limits to the technological manipulation of the bodies of persons who describe themselves as transgender.

The Catholic students are members of the student section of St. Raphael’s Guild, affiliated with the Catholic Medical Association, described by Star Tribune article’s headline as a “controversial group” that “divides students.”

One medical student said that the presence of classmates who are faithful to Catholic teaching “makes class uncomfortable” for him, according to the newspaper.

“It’s really important for trans folks, queer folks, women, to feel comfortable working in this field and feeling like they would be safe and free of discrimination throughout the educational process,” said the male student.

(The founding president and the president-elect of the student section of St. Raphael’s Guild are women, according to group’s website.)