Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Soros Bankrolling Chaos


Since at least 2015 Hungarian-American globalist George Soros has aimed a significant portion of his financial firepower at America’s criminal justice system.

In tonight’s In-Depth Report, Church Militant’s Kristine Christlieb unveils a new frontal assault on justice from one of the world’s most ideologically driven rich men.

Brian Lamb, host, Booknotes: “What’s it like to have a lot of money?”

George Soros: “It gives you a degree of freedom, and it also gives you a degree of power.”

Information is coming to light on George Soros’ shift from underwriting district attorney and sheriff races to underwriting national legislative candidates who want to defund the police. Data from the Federal Election Commission shows Way to Lead PAC received thousands of dollars from a Soros-backed PAC, Lead the Way 2022, as well as direct funding from his daughter, Andrea Soros.

Lead the Way 2022 is backing some of the nation’s most radical congressional candidates, including St. Louis’ Cori Bush, Queens’ Rana Abdelhamid and Clarksville, Tennessee’s Odessa Kelly.

St. Louis is home to two very controversial Soros-backed politicians — circuit attorney Kim Gardner and U.S. representative Cori Bush.

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt:

Firefighters being assaulted, businesses being burned, but not one of them, after being arrested, was charged, but they were released. … The reality is the people who were arrested that night, charges brought to her office, not one of them, charges were brought? All of them were released back on the street? I find that appalling.

In the June 2, 2020, rioting following the death of George Floyd, to which Catholic attorney general Schmitt just referred, four police officers were shot, and retired police officer David Dorn was murdered on the sidewalk outside a pawn shop he was trying to defend from looters.

Despite St. Louis, that same year, being named the murder capital of the world, Congresswoman Bush was calling for defunding the city’s police.

Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo.: “So suck it up. Defunding the police has to happen. We need to defund the police and put that money into social safety nets.” 

That’s just one example of how the Soros fortune is destabilizing America’s cities. Soros spent nearly $3 million to get radical Los Angeles DA George Gascón elected in 2020. Over 200,000 signatures have been collected to recall him.

As a globalist, Soros is driven to disrupt, destabilize and discredit America so it no longer has the moral authority to lead the world. Viktor Orbán, prime minister of Soros’ home country, Hungary, believes Soros is deliberately encouraging Muslim migration to de-Christianize Europe.