Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Suburban Moms and the Question of ‘Roe’


In the wake of this week’s Supreme Court leak, the demographic considered to be the traditional swing vote in national elections now has potential restrictions on abortion to mull over.

In tonight’s In-Depth Report, Church Militant’s Paul Murano assesses how this may impact the vote of “soccer moms” for the midterms.

Lisa Desjardins, political correspondent, PBS: “Do you feel like powerful people? Do you feel like the key force in this election? You’re shaking your head no?”

They’ve been called “soccer moms,” “security moms” and “mama bears.” Whatever the label, conventional wisdom says, come November, suburban middle-class women will decide governorships and the next U.S. Congress. Suburban women are not part of either party’s base. They tend to vote on issues that are hot and important to them in each election cycle. 

Anonymous woman: “I’m just going to make the decision that I feel is the best for this moment in time and for me personally.”

After 9/11, soccer moms turned into security moms. With COVID shutdowns, they’re now being called “Zoom moms.” For the upcoming midterms, two issues have risen to the forefront for these women — children’s education and abortion.

Pro-life woman: “I’m very passionate about being pro-life. … It’s a big deal seeing Roe v. Wade potentially overturned.”

Sexual deviation and critical race theory taught in schools had political pundits convinced this demographic was going Republican. Governor Glenn Youngkin winning in blue state Virginia was the sign of an upcoming red wave. But that was before the political earthquake set off by the high court leak.

Abortion supporter: “They are not going to get away with this. Let me say that I don’t care what I have to do, but they’re not going to do this to D.C., and they are not going to do this to America.”

Democrats are hoping this leak will rally suburban women. One Democratic pollster thinks the leak of Alito’s words could be a game-changer for the midterms. “No one expected the language to be this blunt and go this far,” she said of the high court, “and I think they really overstepped.”

Fake Catholic Joe Biden is also beating the abortion drum while inadvertently calling the innocent victim a “child.”

Joe Biden: “No one can make the judgment to choose to abort a child based on a decision by the Supreme Court; I think that’s way overboard.”

The problem for Democrats, though, is that most of those going crazy about a potential Roe overturn are not part of the much-coveted demographic.

Surveys also indicate abortion holds more weight with pro-life voters than with those who support prenatal murder. The Party of Death will now attempt to mobilize enough suburban women to make child killing their priority, in order to diminish a red wave in November.

Gallup reveals the number of Americans calling themselves pro-life and pro-choice is split almost 50–50. If Roe falls, the 2022 gubernatorial races in 36 states will have elevated importance for soccer moms and their preborn children.