Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Texas border closing is ‘madness,’ Pope says (Vatican News)

Pope Francis denounced efforts by the state of Texas to close its border to migrants, during an interview broadcast on May 19 on CBS 60 Minutes.

”Closing the border and leaving them there is madness,” the Pope said. “Maybe they need to be sent back— I don’t know— but each case must be considered humanely.”

The papal interview had received considerable publicity even before it aired, because of previews in which the Pope dismissed conservative opposition, saying that conservative ideology is suicidal.

In the full interview, conducted by Norah O’Donnell, the Pontiff spoke urgently about the need for peace in Ukraine and Gaza. He also said that while the Church welcomes everyone, Catholicism cannot accommodate same-sex marriage.

Questioned about surrogate motherhood, the Pope lamented that the practice “has become a business, and this is very bad.” When O’Donnell said that it might be the only choice for some women who want babies, the Pope seemed to concur, but they suggested the alternative of adoption.