Every Catholic who cares knows the Church is a flippin’ dumpster fire. Decades of moral, theological, liturgical and financial corruption by the hierarchy and many priests have finally come together in a hurricane-sized storm of massive loss of faith.

One of the side effects, to put it in a somewhat crass term, was the sexual abuse by priests of thousands (perhaps tens of thousands) of altar boys. It was a male-on-male sexual abuse crisis where the majority of victims were physically mature teenage boys being preyed on by adult males with collars on.

That horror show would still be going on if it were not for one thing — the secular media.

It was the reporting in 2001 by The Boston Globe that blew the lid off that evil. There was zero appetite on the part of the bishops to reform anything. Almost all of them lied and said they knew nothing of this, but as the years advanced and lawsuits and depositions and civil trials and documents and police records revealed, they knew everything, every last thing.

There was zero appetite on the part of the bishops to reform anything.

What was revealed was not so much the sex abuse of teenage boys, as wicked and revolting as that was and is, but the much larger evil of bishops creating a complex system, an almost industrialized network, of not just covering it up but actually promoting it.

Even Pope Benedict, while correctly pointing out the likely motives of the secular media, acknowledged it was their reporting which exposed it all. So let’s switch lanes now to the need today for the secular media, the politically conservative media, to once again report what’s going on — this time with the destruction and undermining of the United States.

Pitifully few people, even various politicos we’ve spoken with, are even aware that the U.S. bishops receive hundreds of millions in U.S. tax dollars each year (actually billions in the last number of years). Those tax dollars are used to promote the downfall of the republic by the implementation of the agenda of the communist Democrats in Washington, D.C.

Which, of course, makes sense: the Democrats get their agenda pushed by these men and, in return, these bishops get billions of dollars. It’s a nice job if you can get it and you don’t care about being damned.

Part of the problem in reporting this story for politically conservative media is the almost total lack of transparency of the political activities of the bishops. As an aside, the whole nutty notion of the separation of Church and State has had the horrible side effect of leaving both Church and State to be held completely unaccountable.

We all know about the wickedness of many politicians and all Democratic Party leaders, but the same is true over on the Church side of the wall separating them as well. Does anyone really think that the very same men that propagated and covered up the sexual abuse and rape of tens of thousands of teenage boys would somehow not be just as immoral when it comes to managing billions of dollars in “free” money?

Evil-minded men are evil-minded men. They are about money and power and bolstering their institutions to keep the machine of Catholic Inc., well oiled. Period. The USCCB, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, is little more than a political-lobbying organization that traipses up to Capitol Hill each day to petition for money and get bills passed, which enriches their coffers.

The lay staff at the USCCB are political liberals; they have been for years. And they are the real money-making machine behind the bishops. They, of course, have the bishops’ blessing of their work, and when the prelates head back to their dioceses, they have what amounts to this giant lobbying machine doing their fundraising for them. And rest assured, getting money for the good of souls and the Faith is the absolute last thing on their minds.

The USCCB is the greatest, best-funded enemy of “America first” that you never knew you had. So we have decided to take this fight to them — the political fight as well as the spiritual one.

As a reminder, on Thursday, July 20, the Deposit of Faith Coalition will sponsor, first, a prayer rally outside of the headquarters of the bishops’ conference in Washington, D.C., at 11 a.m., which will go to 11:45.

Then, starting at 1 p.m., the coalition will be hosting a large press conference with politically conservative media outlets to explain to them how the bishops are using U.S. tax dollars to help destroy America by pushing the Democrats’ agenda under the guise of “social justice.”

We will have four expert speakers making presentations in each of the following areas where the bishops have been complicit in undermining America:

The illegal immigration invasion
The climate change hoax
Gun control, and 
Restrictive free speech policy.

Church Militant will be livestreaming all of it beginning at 12:30 and wrapping up our coverage at 3 p.m. ET. All that information and further details are available by clicking on the provided link.

This is a first-ever kind of event in the Catholic world, a press conference highlighting all of this, with non-bishop-controlled media covering it. It’s high time someone pushed back against all of it.

The bishops embraced Saul Alinsky way back, and it’s been a nonstop love affair ever since for decades — and almost no one has told that story. Now we are seeing all over America the fulfillment of that wicked alliance as the nation crumbles under the weight of communism, with the bishops stepping on the gas under the guise of “charity.”

This is a monumental effort on the part of us involved, and taking this on has a hefty price tag, as you can imagine. To help us financially with this much-needed endeavor and make a donation, please use the form below where you can make your tax-deductible gift to help choke off the bishops’ money supply of your tax dollars.

There are three avenues where the bishops can be hit financially.

First, they can simply have their funding cut off by Congress, where various appropriations committees shovel hundred of millions of dollars to them each year.

Second, the IRS code can be amended so that the bishops are required to file public tax returns known as 990s, just like every other religious nonprofits. Currently, they are exempt from that, so it is nearly impossible to track the mountains of tax dollars handed to them. That is wrong. Americans should be able to know exactly how and where their money is being spent, no matter who is getting it.

The tax-exempt status and privilege of the religious Left are being used to undermine the nation.

And third, their tax-exempt status can simply be revoked. They are deeply involved in politicking — for the Democrats. And that kind of blatant political engineering runs afoul of the entire spirit of the tax-exempt status.

If you are in that neck of the woods, please come to the prayer rally in front of the bishops’ headquarters on Thursday, July 20, at 11 a.m. ET.

Spectators are also invited to attend the press conference at the National Press Club at 1. Seating will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

For those who cannot attend — again, you can watch the entire coverage, wall to wall, right here on Church Militant as we livestream this historic challenge to the U.S. bishops’ destruction of the American Republic.

Please donate whatever you can to help us turn this thing around. Time to defund the U.S. bishops.

And let’s hope the politically conservative media understand how the tax-exempt status and privilege of the religious Left are being used to undermine the nation, not just from the pulpits but also on Main Street.

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