Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Men’s March


After the Supreme Court’s leaked draft opinion, the battle for the right to life has never been such a popular issue.

All over the country, pro-child-murder Americans are assaulting Catholic churches, crisis pregnancy centers and other pro-life entities, not to mention pro-lifers themselves.

But pro-life Americans are also fighting. Church Militant’s Dr. William Mahoney shows there is a counterforce battling the Culture of Death.

Fr. Stephen Imbarrato: “Human life begins at conception, and abortion ends a human life.”

Known as the “protest priest,” Fr. Stephen Imbarrato has been involved in activism for three decades.

Imbarrato is the cofounder of a movement called The Men’s March. The men are on their third march in less than a year.

The first was held in Washington, D.C., where marchers were joined by prominent Catholic figures like Dr. Alan Keyes and Lepanto Institute’s Michael Hichborn.

In November 2021, the men marched through Baltimore, joined by a handful of bishops including Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas.

The next march is in Florida on Saturday, June 11.

Fr. Stephen Imbarrato: “We’ve made a conscious decision that we’re not going to get ahead of the Holy Spirit. We’re not going to decide what the future holds until after each event.”

In a political climate where men are told they have no say in abortion, the question must be asked: Why should men march?

Fr. Stephen Imbarrato:

This is, of course, what Satan wants: “Men, it’s not your responsibility; this is not your doing.” This is really what Satan was saying to Adam while Eve was being seduced: “This is none of your business. This is between me and her.” And of course, he took the serpent’s temptation, said nothing, did nothing. And then turned around and accepted no responsibility, which, of course, most men do after their Eve goes and has the abortion.

Father Imbarrato holds no punches in his message: Men need to stand up and fight for life.

The men will begin their march outside of an abortion mill at 12 p.m. and end up outside of the state capitol. There, they will be joined by their families for a rally.

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