Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Most Pro-Life Coca-Cola Commercial You’ll Ever See: Viral Video Shows the Joy & Reality of Parenthood

A 10-year-old Argentina Coca-Cola commercial recently resurfaced on social media and completely hits the nail on the head with parenthood and depicts a pro-life message.

The ad, which advertises its drink, “Coca-Cola Life,” begins with a woman holding up a positive pregnancy test to show her husband. In pure excitement, they embrace the news.

It then flashes to a scene of them holding their new baby in the living room.

The following scenes depict tired parents awakened at night to care for a fussy baby, a dad stepping on toys all over the floor, lugging baby bags everywhere, the baby accidentally ruining dinner with everything falling to the floor, and so on.

Essentially, we witness the shift from a married couple to a new family, who now hold the responsibility of caring for a child and all that comes with it. 

Toward the end of the commercial, after the father takes a sip of a “Coca-Cola Life,” he is surprised by his wife once again holding a positive pregnancy test. He immediately screams ready to face the newborn life all over again, and grabs his wife to rejoice. Upon seeing his reaction, she also rejoices as they hold their now toddler. 

Watch the video below:

This ten-year-old Coke commercial (released only in Argentina), remains the single best minute-long argument for pro-natalism that I have ever seen.@MoreBirths @BirthGauge

— Jeremy Carl (@jeremycarl4) December 6, 2023

Jeremy Carl, Senior Fellow at the Claremont Institute, shared this video with his followers.

“This ten-year-old Coke commercial (released only in Argentina), remains the single best minute-long argument for pro-natalism that I have ever seen,” he wrote.

“I have five kids, and this ad is true to life,” he continues. “Young children will totally ‘disrupt’ the material aspects of your old life. But those aren’t the important aspects of life anyway.”

Pro-lifers responded in joy to the 10-year-old commercial.

Some users shared photos of their large families. Others commented on the joy family brings.

This user said, “Having kids has been the greatest joy of my life.”

Another user said, “I don’t drink soda, but if Coke dropped commercials like this on a routine basis, I would buy it anyway.”

Here are some photos users shared:

Wonderful, indeed!

— Jordan K. Carpenter 🇺🇸 (@JCarpenterTN) December 6, 2023

My wife and I with our ten children love this video.

— Art King (@ArtNealKing) December 7, 2023

So what does this commercial tell us?

Parenthood isn’t always glamorous. It’s often messy. Adapting to parenthood is hard and takes time.

However, this commercial also reminds us that it’s entirely worth it.

Being a parent is one of the best gifts your spouse and the Lord can give. While parenthood is overwhelming, it’s irreplaceable and worth being protected.

The commercial also shows the dynamic between a husband and wife.

When the wife held up the positive pregnancy test for the second time, she did not show happiness or rejoice until her husband did. The role of a husband is precious and unique, and this intentional part of the commercial calls attention to that.

Seeing his joyful face gave her reassurance and excitement. In a good and holy marriage, husbands and wives are called to create life, protect one another fiercely, and lead each other to Heaven. What a gift this short yet impactful commercial provides.

The comments from X users replying with photographs of their own big families and delighting in the wholesomeness of this commercial further prove that as a society, we long for tradition. We long for a time in which the public unashamedly celebrates the beauty of marriage, new life, and the family unit.

Hopefully one day we will see more commercials like this one.