Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Perfect Reaction: Priest & Religious Brothers Remain Calm During Earthquake on Podcast

A strong 6.8 earthquake shook El Salvador on July 18, a tremor that surprised three religious while recording their podcast. The video of their reaction went viral on social media due to their shocking tranquility.

Cities in Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua felt the quake, but it left only slight damage and no person was reported seriously affected.

Brother Sebastián Cadavid, Brother Iván Tefel, and Father Iñigo Abbad, who belong to the Heralds of the Gospel, were recording a chapter of their podcast “Hail Mary” when the earth began to shake.

Despite the strong movement, the two brothers and the priest remained calm and spoke about the intensity of the earthquake.

Brother Cadavid indicated that the tremor was “one of the strongest we have felt” and also one of the longest.

The religious asked for the intercession of the Virgin Mary with the prayer “Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us” and continued with the live podcast.

Watch the video below:

How Users Reacted

Many users reacted to the video with comments highlighting the tranquility of the religious brothers and priest. They appreciated their example of temperance.

One person said, “Hail Mary! How much peace they show. I ran out looking for the exit all my life living in El Salvador, a super seismic country, and I still can’t stand the tremors. God bless you, dear Heralds.”

Another follower remarked, “How beautiful…one of the calmest, as if nothing. I love the peace and trust in God and the Virgin that they transmit. Hail Mary.”

“What it is to live in the grace of God–what a beauty is his reaction,” another person added.

Father Íñigo Abbad published a comment on the podcast’s YouTube video in response to the event.

He said he “believes God allowed” the earthquake to teach us to trust in Him.

“I believe that God allowed there to be that ‘little earthquake’ during the podcast to teach us all that, no matter how many ‘earthquakes’ (problems and difficulties) there are in our lives and even if we feel the earth shaking at our feet, if we PRAY, for sure, Jesus and the Virgin will always help us and will not allow anything bad to happen to us!

“May God bless everyone who listens to this podcast and grant them a life filled with prayer and eternal salvation in Heaven when He calls us!”

What a beautiful example of faith and trust! Let us pray for all priests and religious!