Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Pope’s ‘New Economy’

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Since the beginning of his pontificate, Pope Francis has championed environmentalist causes in and outside of the Church. But now, the pontiff is calling for the conversion of the world’s economy.

In tonight’s In-Depth Report, Church Militant’s Aidan O’Connor takes a closer look at Rome’s bishop and the Great Reset.

The Pope is calling for a new worldwide economy. Speaking with members of the Global Solidarity Fund last week, the pontiff pushed for an economy that favors people over profits.

He noted, “We cannot live with a pattern of economics that comes from liberals and the Enlightenment. Nor can we live with a pattern of economics that comes from communism. We need a Christian economy.”

The Solidarity Fund is a group that claims to help marginalized and vulnerable people across the globe. The group lauds Pope Francis as its inspiration, and its mission resonates with many of the pontiff’s talking points.

Pope Francis: “‘Solidarity’ is a term that many wish to erase from the dictionary. It cannot be programmed or controlled. It is a free response born from the heart of each and every one.”

The fund partners with various groups pushing social justice and Marxist race theories. It also partners with billionaire globalist Bill Gates, an avid supporter of abortion and the radical Left’s agenda.

Days before meeting with the pope, the Global Solidarity Fund participated in the World Economic Forum’s summit in Davos, Switzerland. The forum is infamous for peddling the Great Reset, targeting capitalism and predicting, in the future, “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.”

Marc Benioff, CEO, “Capitalism as we know it is death. This obsession we have had with maximizing profits for shareholders alone has led to incredible inequality and a planetary emergency.”

At his meeting with the Global Solidarity Fund, Pope Francis praised the young Italian-American economist Mariana Mazzucato. Mazzucato’s website claims she would “fix capitalism.”

The pope urged young economists like Mazzuacato to create an economy that is “welcoming, accompanying, promoting and integrating.”

He proclaimed, “The economy must be converted; it must be converted now. We have to convert from the liberal economy to the economy shared by people, the community economy.”

Pope Francis: “People’s paths are riddled with suffering, as everything is centered around money and things, instead of people.”

In 2020, the pontiff began calling for a new post–China-virus economy across the globe.

Now, some critics are noting the Holy Father’s global vision looks a lot like the Great Reset.

The Holy Father’s consistent advocacy for climate change and a new global economy has left many faithful Catholics confused regarding his papal priorities.

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