Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Synod is about evangelization, apostolic nuncio to US says (Vatican News)

Downplaying concerns about the upcoming Synod, the apostolic nuncio to the US described the Synod as a “moment when a number of bishops representing the bishops of the world, the laypeople at all levels of the Church, will consider, examine what has been done already at all levels of the Church, in order to evangelize better the people.”

“This is the reason why,” Cardinal-designate Christophe Pierre said in an interview. “They are not meeting to invent a new Church or to create new structures. No, [they are meeting] just to examine what has been tried to evangelize better at the grassroots, and to see this works, or that is not working, and we will see.”

Cardinal-designate Pierre lamented polarization in American society, including in the Church. He also criticized some pro-life Catholics for view others as “the enemy.”

“We forget that to be pro-life is also to help the people concretely, not just to defend an idea, not to embrace a political party which is pro-life, but also to be on the ground, an actor to defend the values, because we are not just in favor of a few values,” he said. “We are disciples of Jesus.”

At the same time, he praised the Church in the United States.

“The Catholic Church has always been in the last 50 years remarkable in the fight against abortion,” he said. “There has also been the huge generosity of the American Catholics to help the poor, and offer solidarity with the world. It’s amazing how the Catholic Church is helping the poor all over the place. It’s beautiful. I’m very happy to be the nuncio in the United States for that reason.”