Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Young ‘Rebels’


Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.

In the rough and tumble of the political world — and it is rough and tumble — lots of fed up people are stepping forward. Among them are patriots and folks concerned about the cultural demise and faithful Catholics and younger folks and, occasionally, a combination of all the above.

Jacky Eubanks is running for a seat in the Michigan state legislature, and, to show the extent and reach of the Trump influence, this young lady running for a not-especially glamorous seat in Michigan’s 63rd state house district has his much-coveted endorsement.

In some ways, she’s not all that different from loads of other rank-and-file Republican rebels, fed up with, and challenging, the lethargic Republican establishment. And her motivating influence is the steal of 2020. 

In fact, Jacky actually went door to door in her home area canvassing, asking individual residents if they did, in fact, vote. She collected enormous piles of data and has concluded, from her admittedly unscientific — yet exhaustive — research, that Michigan was, in fact, a hotbed of cheating.

The young firebrand believes all this is symptomatic of a much-deeper illness.

So now, motivated by justice, she’s quickly rocketed to notoriety among the Republican peasantry, speaking to large audiences, asking them to help her capture that seat in Lansing so she can hold feet to the fire. She feels there is a lot of “unfinished business” that needs addressing.

For example, Jacky is intent on initiating a full forensic audit for the 2020 election and passing election-integrity laws. She also plans to introduce legislation to end all mask and vaccine mandates in Michigan — including at private companies and health care facilities — and wants to investigate and prosecute Gretchen Whitmer for nursing home deaths, sue her for damages due to closed schools and businesses and investigate and prosecute Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson for election fraud.

But the young Catholic firebrand, who believes all the Church’s teachings, says all this stuff is just symptomatic of a much-deeper underlying illness, and, while the symptoms do of course need to be addressed, the question at the heart of all this has been fixed.

As you know if you watch Church Militant with any regularity, we are running into more and more of these people — committed Catholics and non-Catholics (who nevertheless are still of goodwill but need proper formation), all of whom recognize the times we live and are determined to do their best to preserve and restore.

If you’d like to watch the full interview with Jacky, just click on the provided link.