Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Think of Bethlehem, Pope tells living Nativity scene performers (Vatican Press Office)

Pope Francis received those involved in the living Nativity scene in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore and said that he wanted “to share just two thoughts with you.”

“The first thought I leave to you is this: the purpose of the living Nativity scene is to reawaken wonder in the heart, before the mystery of God who became a child,” Pope Francis said to those gathered in Paul VI Audience Hall.

“The second thought is for our brothers and sisters of Bethlehem, Bethlehem today,” he added. “And naturally this extends to all the inhabitants of the land where Jesus was born, lived, died and rose again. We know the situation, caused by the war, the consequence of a conflict that has lasted for decades. So your performance must be lived in solidarity with these brothers and sisters who are suffering a great deal.”