Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

‘To seek Jesus, to stay with Jesus, and to proclaim Jesus’: Pontiff reflects on discipleship (Vatican Press Office)

During his Angelus address on January 14, Pope Francis reflected on John 1:35-42, the Gospel reading of the day.

The Pope asked, “What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? According to today’s Gospel we can take three words: to seek Jesus, to stay with Jesus, and to proclaim Jesus.”

The Pope encouraged pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square to ask themselves, “When did I encounter the Lord? When did the Lord touch my heart? And let us ask ourselves: are we still disciples, enamored of the Lord, do we seek the Lord, or do we settle into a faith made up of habits? Do we stay with Him in prayer, do we know how to stay in silence with Him? … And then, do we feel the desire to share, to proclaim this beauty of the encounter with the Lord?”