Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

U.S. Bishops’ Surefire Support for Gun Control & Climate Scams


We’ve been highlighting the U.S. bishops’ betrayal of foundational American values like the country’s borders and freedom of speech, especially religious speech. There are two more we’d like to focus on and will be highlighting during next week’s Deposit of Faith Coalition press conference in D.C. Those are the destruction of America’s economic might as it relates to fossil fuels, and the second issue is the Second Amendment. Heck, if you gave the bishops enough time, they’d wipe out all ten amendments to the Bill of Rights.

In a democratic republic, people are “free” to work to undermine it. But in the case of the U.S. bishops and their fellow Marxist travelers, they are using tax dollars to do it. Billions of tax dollars over the past few years. Again, we’ve already highlighted the issue of borders and free speech.

If you gave the bishops enough time, they’d wipe out all ten amendments to the Bill of Rights.

Today, it’s guns and the weather, or more to the point, destroying America’s energy independence by being anti-fossil fuel under the phony-baloney claim of climate “justice” and being charitable toward the poor. Guess that’s why the bishops all fly to the semi-annual meetings and spend a million dollars on each event — because they are so despondent over the poor.

On the issue of guns and the Second Amendment, Cdls. Dolan, Cupich and Tobin have all come out and said Americans need to give up their guns freely. In essence, negating the Second Amendment in a backhanded way. For the record, no, your eminences. We will not be handing in our guns with a Marxist state running the show, a Marxist state you get hundreds of millions in funding from to carry their water.

Switching over to the topic of energy independence and the accompanying economic might, the USCCB has hopped on the climate change train and has two dozen groups under its umbrella pushing the cause. This effort ultimately results in weakening the U.S. economy and having the exact opposite effect of helping the poor, as the cost of a gallon of gas skyrockets. And the gas per gallon cost is just one of the massive detriments to the economy.

It doesn’t matter what it is, free speech or the borders or the meltdown of our economic might or giving up our guns, the bishops are right there out in front pushing for the entire Marxist agenda. So we have decided to take this fight to them, the political fight, as well as the spiritual one.

As a reminder, on Thursday, July 20, the Deposit of Faith Coalition will sponsor a prayer rally outside of the headquarters of the bishops’ Conference in D.C. from 11 a.m. until 11:45. Then, starting at 1 p.m., the coalition will be hosting a large press conference with politically conservative media outlets to explain to them how the bishops are using U.S. tax dollars to help destroy America by pushing the Democrats’ agenda under the guise of social justice.

We will have four expert speakers making presentations in each of the following areas where the bishops have been complicit in undermining America: the illegal immigration issue, the climate change issue, being pro-gun control and going along with anti-free speech initiatives that impact directly on religious speech. Church Militant will be live streaming all of it beginning at 12:30 p.m. and wrapping up our coverage at 3 p.m. ET. All that information and further details are available by clicking on the provided link.

This is the first time ever in the Catholic world that there will be a press conference highlighting all of this with non-bishop-controlled media covering it, and it’s high time someone pushed back against all of it. The bishops embraced Saul Alinksy way back, and it’s been a nonstop love affair ever since for decades, and almost no one has told that story.

Now we are seeing all over America the fulfillment of that wicked alliance as the nation crumbles under the weight of communism — with the bishops stepping on the gas under the guise of charity. This is a monumental effort on the part of us involved and taking this on has a hefty price tag, as you can imagine.

To help us financially with this much-needed endeavor and make a donation, please use the form below where you can make your tax-deductible gift to help choke off the bishops’ money supply of your tax dollars. There are three avenues where the bishops can be hit financially.

First, they can simply have their funding cut off by Congress, where various appropriations committees shovel hundreds of millions to them each year.

Second, the IRS code can be amended so that the bishops are required to file public tax returns known as 990s, just like every other religious nonprofit. Currently, they are exempt from that, so it is nearly impossible to track the mountains of tax dollars handed to them. That is wrong. Americans should be able to know exactly how and where their money is being spent, no matter who is getting it.

The bishops are right there out in front pushing for the entire Marxist agenda.

And third, their tax-exempt status can simply be revoked. They are deeply involved in politicking and only for the Democrats, and that kind of blatant political engineering runs afoul of the entire spirit of the tax-exempt status.

If you are in that neck of the woods, please come to the prayer rally in front of the bishop’s HQ on Thursday, July 20, at 11 a.m. ET. Spectators are also invited to attend the press conference at the National Press Club at 1 p.m., and seating will be on a first-come-first-serve basis. For those who cannot attend, you can watch the entire wall-to-wall coverage right here on Church Militant as we livestream this historic challenge to the U.S. bishops’ destruction of the American republic. Please donate whatever you can to help us turn this thing around. It’s time to defund the U.S. bishops.