Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Ukrainian Catholic leader praises ‘amazing bravery of our army,’ urges Confession (Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church)

On March 13—the 18th day of the large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine—Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk, the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, said that “thanks to the amazing bravery of our army, Ukrainians were able to stop the enemy almost in every direction.”

“However, the most terrifying moments are during the night in Ukraine, because during the night the enemy shoots at peaceful cities, inflicts irreparable damage to infrastructure, and even kills the peaceful population,” he said. “Churches are smashed and destroyed.”

“We know that now, during the time of Great Lent, our people have a great need for the Mystery [Sacrament] of Confession,” he added. “Great Lent is a time of repentance, a time when we Christians rush to this holy mystery of God’s mercy … All our priests are ready to serve their people … In all our cities and villages, churches are open almost around the clock in order to serve our people.”