Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Unfettered Alternatives

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The very purpose of social media is to facilitate the sharing of information and ideas. But that’s becoming increasingly difficult to do — unless your ideas are favored by the woke Left. Church Militant’s Nadia Hazimeh takes a closer look at Big Tech’s concerted effort to silence conservative thought.

Social media giants are censoring prominent conservatives and any others who refuse to echo the Left’s talking points.

Dr. Robert Malone, virologist: “If it’s not OK for me to be part of the conversation, even though I’m pointing out scientific facts that may be inconvenient, then who is — who can be allowed?”

Sunday, YouTube removed popular podcaster Joe Rogan’s interview of Dr. Robert Malone, mRNA technology inventor, for objecting to the use of experimental COVID vaccines. Twitter banned him for the same reason last week.

Dr. Malone: “These guys, they don’t play nice. They’re not about the facts. They’re not about being fair. They’re not seeking the truth. They’re paid — they’re hired guns. They’re paid to enforce a certain narrative.”

Over the weekend, Twitter also took aim at Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene for voicing COVID jab concerns. Her message resulted in Twitter issuing a permanent ban, and Facebook a temporary suspension.

Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook is also targeting conservative children’s books, banning one publisher’s ads, claiming they don’t meet certain standards. After much pushback, Facebook claimed the ban was a mistake. But critics aren’t buying it.

With Big Tech’s outright disdain for conservative ideas, liberty-loving thinkers are taking action. Kentucky senator Rand Paul announced Monday he was dropping YouTube in favor of Rumble and encouraged others to follow suit.

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.:

Well, I’m glad you’re here watching my video on YouTube. The fact is, I don’t know how long this will be up, since YouTube has decided to start censoring me and pulling down my videos. But don’t worry, you can watch this video on, where I post all of my content.

Gab founder Andrew Torba believes the key to preserving free speech online is for Christians to innovate and build our own platforms.

Andrew Torba, CEO, Gab: “They know once they lose control of flow of information, once they lose control of the narrative, they no longer have power.”

In October, former president Donald Trump announced he would launch his own social media platform, Truth Social, after both Twitter and Facebook shut him out. It’s expected to be available early this year. Whether users choose to switch social media platforms or create their own, one thing is clear: Doing nothing suggests we don’t actually value our own message.

Thankfully, there are some alternatives to popular social Marxist-media platforms, and soon there could be more. Biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy believes the muzzling of conservatives will lead to a surge of new startup companies to create competition and combat censorship.

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