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United Nations: What Is Behind the Global Digital Pact in Preparation?

Joe Biden’s administration is at the forefront of efforts to enact and enforce global censorship rules against pro-life and pro-family views as part of the New World Order, already imposed on most Western countries and extending to the rest of the planet.

On the one hand, they want to target criticisms of gender ideology, with governments and the private sector censoring them as “hate speech.” And on the other hand, they want online platforms and service providers to enforce feminist orthodoxy through artificial intelligence, as part of their “security by design.”

The first appearance of these censorship rules dates from the 2022 Democracy Summit on the State Department’s initiative, titled “Global Partnership to Combat Online Gender-Based Harassment and Abuse,” which aims to fight against a wide range of behaviors.

The State Department describes gender-based violence as “any act committed, assisted, aggravated, or amplified through the use of information and communications technology or other digital tools, that causes or is likely to cause harm or other violations of rights and freedoms.”

A definition that allows the inclusion of any online information or opinion against abortion or for the family in accordance with the United Nations’ definition of “gender-based violence.”

Thus, “the denial of access to abortion has been identified as a form of gender-based violence against women, which may amount to torture and/or cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment,” according to a briefing note from the UN Human Rights Office summarizing the matter.

The standards of this initiative, are presented by the United Nations in the “Global Digital Compact,” which is to be adopted by the General Assembly in September 2024. Google, Microsoft, Meta and other major players in digital technology are already collaborating with governments to develop and apply these standards.

The Biden administration has already tried to expand the notion of gender-based violence through technology, through an agreement on women’s education through the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. The US called for the agreement to recognize the role of governments in guiding social media and traditional media platforms.

This would allow the censorship and moderation of content under the criterion of “gender-based violence,” despite the fact that such government-directed censorship is considered a violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.

Despite this setback, the Biden administration and Western governments pledged at the May G7 summit to “redouble efforts to coordinate approaches to preventing and responding to online harassment and abuse and gender-based violence facilitated by technology,” and to fight against disinformation within the framework of “support for freedom of the media.”

The United Nations wants a Global Digital Compact by September 2024. The process of developing “digital standards” to monitor, moderate, and censor online speech is being undertaken under the guise of combating “gender-based violence facilitated by technology,” and enjoys the support of more than a dozen countries.