Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

United States: Medical Warning Against Gender Ideology

The text states that gender ideology has serious consequences for children and adolescents. Its main goal is to prevent further harm and advocate for medicine based on scientific evidence rather than influenced by deviant ideology.

It notes that countries that have adopted this ideology, such as Britain, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and France, have begun to change their approach. The report also criticizes the use of hormonal treatments and radical surgery instead of an approach based on psychiatry and emotional support, which is considered the most appropriate medical practice. It highlights the importance of understanding the essential reality of human nature in the face of cultural influences that ignore or distort it.

Furthermore, the assertion that children suffering from gender dysphoria, that is, nonconformity with their biological sex, should undergo early gender reassignment to avoid suicide, is called into question.

The argument made is that there are more effective treatments with fewer side effects, especially given the comorbidities that often accompany this condition. The importance of not reinforcing the confusion is underlined. The also report highlights that 80 to 90% of cases of gender dysphoria in children before puberty disappear on their own by adolescence. Finally, it criticizes the professionalism of sexual reassignment treatments and asserts that they violate the Hippocratic principle of “do no harm.”

The association also defends respect for the freedom of conscience rights of doctors and other health professionals, as well as the right to adequate health education.

In summary, gender ideology with its implications and current medical practices, particularly among children, is considered an irresponsible experiment to say the least.

The Catholic Medical Association of North America (CMA) has published a document entitled The Negative Impact of Gender Ideology on Children whose approach is based on common sense, sound anthropology, good medical practice, and solid bibliographical references. The report was presented at the association’s 92nd convention held in Phoenix, Arizona.