Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Updated schedule released for papal journey to Dubai, as Pontiff warns of risk to life on earth (Vatican Press Office)

The Vatican has released an updated schedule for the Pope’s upcoming journey to Dubai for COP28, the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference.

The updated schedule differs from the original schedule in two particulars: the Pontiff will address the COP28 summit on December 2 at 9:15 AM (rather than at 10:00 AM), and private bilateral meetings will follow at 9:45 AM (rather than at 10:30).

“Besides war, our world is threatened by another great danger, that of the climate, which puts life on Earth, especially for the future generations, at risk,” Pope Francis said on November 26. “And this is contrary to the plan of God, who created everything for life.”

“Therefore, next weekend, I will go to the United Arab Emirates to speak on Saturday at the COP 28 in Dubai,” the Pope added. “I thank everyone who will accompany this journey with prayer and with the commitment to take to heart the preservation of the common home.”