Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

US bishops’ pro-life chairman praises Protecting Individuals with Down Syndrome Act (USCCB)

Bishop Michael Burbidge of Arlington (VA), chairman of the US bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, thanked Rep. Ron Estes (R-KS) and Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) for introducing the Protecting Individuals with Down Syndrome Act, which would outlaw the killing of an unborn child following a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome.

Bishop Burbidge wrote, “How can our society claim to value, respect, and protect the dignity and rights of persons with disabilities when we allow babies to be aborted simply because they have a disability? Are we not communicating to those who live with Down syndrome, and indeed to all persons with disabilities, that our society thinks they are better off dead, not to have been born, to have no life at all rather than a life with disabilities?”