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US bishops will vote on sex-change policy at Catholic hospitals (National Catholic Reporter)

At a meeting this week, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) will vote on proposed amendments to their “Religious and Ethical Directives of Catholic Health Care,” providing guidance for Catholic health-care institutions regarding treatment for “transgender” patients.

The draft document on which the bishops will vote says that sex-change operations and hormone therapies are “injurious to the true flourishing of the human person,” and thus should not be performed at Catholic institutions.

In an Orwellian article on the bishops’ vote, the National Catholic Reporter refers to sex-change operations as “gender-affirming medical treatment,” and quotes a liberal moral theologian as saying that the field is “an area of moral theology and doctrine that is not yet fully developed.” The article quotes several theologians opposed to the bishops’ doctrinal stand, making room for only one voice in support of Church teaching.