Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

USCCB president discusses his synod experience, says Christ invites people to conversion (CNS)

Archbishop Timothy Broglio, president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, participated in the October 25 Synod press briefing.

In addition to speaking about his diocese (the Archdiocese for the Military Services USA) and his experience of listening to others at the Synod, Archbishop Broglio was asked about “welcoming LGBTQ+ Catholics and those in difficult marriage situations,” according to Catholic News Service.

“In almost every circumstance in the Sacred Scriptures, when Christ meets someone, in whatever situation he or she finds himself, the invitation is always to conversion, it’s always to change,” he said. “So, we welcome, but we try to bring people to a situation of conversion … Of course, we also recognize — at least I certainly recognize — that conversion is a lifelong process.”

Asked about Catholics who are attached to the traditional Latin Mass, Archbishop Broglio “stated that the Church is large enough to welcome everyone,” according to a Vatican News summary of the press conference.